There is no in game evidence to suggest such a thing, and we have not received any word of god from the dev's to indicate that this hypothesis is the case.
Its a nice hypothesis, but its really no more than a flight of fancy.
There is evidence, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to base a theory on the facts (proximity of both locations to Mutant outposts, as
one example) and so what if the devs haven't commented? Original devs of the series didn't have concrete answers to some inconsistencies until they were questioned, and even they on occasion openly left certain details to be filled in any way an individual would see fit, it's not always about the devs word being law (or lore, if you like puns). Game-based theories require a degree of speculation and imagination. I think it's a little more than a flight of fancy, but as I stated, it's my theory, and it satisfies me, and I'm happy enough with that. Feel free to contest it, but I simply wont agree that it's based on a whim, I have given it a fair degree of thought

I agree with this statement, there is no evidence to prove it wrong that I know of, but that doesn't indicate that it's true, we have no reason to believe that it's true either, so it's really little more than an unfounded guess. And if we want to speculate on the reason Little Lamplight still remains, we should look at simpler series.
Of course it's not true or false, it's speculation >_< I don't think my specualtion has to be any more or any less a 'look at simpler series'. Whilst you may not agree with it, you cannot discount it or indeed account for it, you can at least accept it as a theory. It's far fetched I agree, but without indisputable evidence to the contrary, it's my story and I'm sticking to it

Of course in a review of my theory, it's safe to say that LL wasn't
set up as a mutant 'farm', so I will personally discount this one inconsistency, and I only worded it so because I didn't want to elaborate. But it doesn't mean that it didn't become an opportunity the Mutants caught wind of. The kids are perfect candidates, taking this directly from lore, anyone 'contaminated' with a certain amount of radiation will ghoulify if exposed to F.E.V and not super mutate at all, the children in LL have the good fortune of a fungus that absorbs their rads, keeping them safe from any long term side-effects of radiation exposure. This is a huge green light for Muties, and they know exactly how F.E.V works, it's the reason the masters army headed for vault 12 (Necropolis) because of the prospect of pure, unirradiated humans, but all they found were ghouls, because the vault was programmed never to close. They then caught wind of a vault 13, and canon states they would have found the vault 13 and harvested the inhabitants if it wasn't for the original vault dweller's intervention on the Master's plans.
LL/Bigtown scenario has alot of possitives associated with mutant interest. I find it very hard to believe that LL has been left alone by the Muties for no good reason, LL being such an immediate proximity to Vault 87.