» Wed May 05, 2010 6:48 am
I hope weapon balance means better sounds/handling so that the weapons dont feel so hollow and cheap (esp. automatics), though I seriously doubt it. Also, I disagree with the OP. Bugs don't bother me very much. When I first played FO3 My 360 wasn't hooked up to the internet, so I never got updates. That, combined with the fact that I didn't have a hard drive made the console completely freeze CONSTANTLY. And still I racked up over 100 hours of game time and LOVED IT. NV has no such bugs (or at least they aren't that common). I'd MUCH rather have DLC than a patch, whos changes I probably won't notice. Esp. since they can release a patch latter. This patch better significantly improve the game if we had to wait so damned long for it. Judging from the bethesda post about it being ready in a few weeks, I'd say Honest hearts will be out the first week in may (how convenient, thats my last week of class). I will, however, agree with the OP that it does show that the companies actually care about their consumers and not just making money and that the DLC isnt stuff that "should have been in the game". You want something that should have been in the game? How about the "missing" chapters in Assassins creed, or anything for Fable 3, or the liars and cheats pack for Read Dead (Your telling me the devs actually didn't think of putting gambling in MP? BS).