Overall, I liked it. The Science(!) and general whimsical tone of the entire thing was nice. It sorta felt like one great big Wild Wasteland encounter, and that's good. This is what, say, Mothership Zeta should've been.
Anyone who's only found a few kinds of enemies should explore around the area. I've run into Securitrons, normal 'bots, robo-scorpions, lobotomites, spore carriers and plants, radioactive cazadors, normal cazadors, nightstalkers, and cyberdogs, all outside.
My biggest complaints are how light armor is still getting catered to so much, and the K9000. Seriously, with DM and HH, we have more than enough powerful and cool light armors. Particularly with the perks that make light armor even *better.* Those of us who wear medium, but especially heavy, or power armor are getting left out in the cold. And it's doubly terrible because if there was anywhere a new model of PA would've fit, it's the prewar science haven of the Big Empty.
The K9000, meanwhile, just doesn't match up. It fires relatively rare pistol ammo (especially the Fido version, which burns through .44 magnum!), but it doesn't do damage consummate with its size. It's the same size as a minigun or grenade MG, requires 8 strength (same as an LMG, And the LMG has a much bigger mag, more DPS, the benefit of the Grunt perk, the ability to use AP ammo, and a much faster reload. I was expecting the K9000 to be a .50 machine gun with huge damage, balanced by the expense of feeding it. I wasn't expecting an SMG hiding in a great big machine gun's frame, and I just find that really disappointing.