Now some have said that Bethesda took out Hand to Hand fighting as a skill because they wanted these brawls to be implemented as they are. Now I don't know if that's true or not. All I know is that I see it like this:
1. The brawls are a lot of fun. I'd rather they stayed in. In fact, I wish I could pick fights with more people.
2. Hand to hand fighting, just generally, is a lot of fun as well. Not only that, but as a perk tree there are tons of things that you could do with the skill. There could be perks to disarm someone, or to disable their armor or shield. There could be a perk to paralyze an enemy. There could even be the usual perks that increase speed and/or damage, or even add a new attack (Such as the Chuck Norris spinning helicopter b.itchslap of doom).
3. A hand to hand combat skill tree could be a lot more interesting, and even replace, some other less interesting trees like, oh I dunno, say lockpicking. Lockpicking doesn't have any perks that get creative until nearly the end, and all the perks along the way do effectively nothing. There's not even a perk that just lets you smash the lock! But hey! We could add that to the H2H skill tree.
4. Lastly, I don't see any reason the two are mutually exclusive. Keeping the bar fights and brawls does not = getting rid of the h2h skill. I don't know.. why Bethesda came to that conclusion honestly. Hand to Hand combat is absolutely something that you can improve, I don't see any reason it's not a skill like any other. Plus, getting better at H2H would allow you to be more of a badass in the barfights and brawls! It's a win win.
So anyway, I don't see why H2H can't be a skill, or why it was taken out in the first place. This (to me) isn't like levitation or mysticism or spears where there is some arguably valid, stated reason for the removal. To me, this just doesn't make sense. Does anyone else see a little more clearly on this issue? Any thoughts?