» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:27 am
I agree that something like this would be a good idea, because as it stands, the security skill or alteration is pretty much essential to every character, because locked containers and doors are so common and often don't have keys. Not opening them will potentially mean missing out on good loot, thus, any character will probably want to improve these skills, even if it makes little sense for that character to do so. To solve this, I'd like to see an option to bash locks with weapons in Skyrim, though it should have some concequences so that the security skill does not become unnecessary. It should provide an alternative to security, while still allowing the latter to have some benefits. For one thing, bashing locks should be noisy, meaning there's a risk someone will hear and come to investigate, this makes sense, because I'd imagine using a large hammer to break open a chest is going to cause a lot of noise, and from a role-playing standpoint, it means that stealth characters still wouldn't want to bash locks, and stealth characters are the kind of characters most likely to use security anyway. There could also be a risk of damaging the contents for containers. This way, security still has advantages over bashing locks, and it should, because security is used only to open locks, for lock bashing, you would likely get better at it from the same skills that let you fight better with the weapon you're using to bash the lock. It makes sense that if you have one skill that lets you fight better and open locks, and one that just lets you open locks, the latter would be better at what it does.