- PM all CS's to me
- No character control
- Use decent spelling and punctuation
- No character killing unless you PM them and ask
- One character per-person
- You can control guards for character development purposes but I'll control 'em for main storyline purposes.
- Dwemer technology has been discovered 20 years ago. (A small suprise for you all.)
- You start with no weapons or armour apart from sack cloth clothes and
We shall begin when we have 8 people...more can join after though... (IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN!)
PM me any CS you want, follow mine if you want.
Firenze (me)
Name: Firenze
Nickname: Fir (pronounced Fur)
Race: Khajiit / Imperial breed.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Birth sign: The Steed
Focus: Stealth, but is very talented in combat
Main skills: Short blades, Light Armour, Marksman, Stealth, Hand-to-Hand, Long blades and Speechcraft.
General appearance: A strong, but honourable man who will die for what he believes in.
Hair: Sandy in colour but neat and smooth, reaches just below the ear.
Eye Colour: Yellow, cats pupils
Height: About average, 5 ft. 10
Tattoos/Scars: A tattoo of his birth sign on the left of his neck. A scar in the shape of a cross on his chest, one a centimetre below his heart.
Mental Description: Strong, bold and pure of heart.
Weapons: None because he’s In prison. (He gets them back later.)
Primary Clothing/Armour: A hooded black travelling cloak and pure black mithril armour, no fingers on the gauntlets, with red F’s emblazoned lots on the back of the gloves, the chest, shoulders and feet.
Secondary Clothing/Armour (what you use for the Prison section of the RP): Coarse cloth pants, leather sandals and wrist locks.
Job/Bio: Worked as an apprentice smith in The March Rider, along with a Khajiit, who doesn’t seem to talk a lot but through his other job, he knows him well. He belongs to the Dark Brotherhood and is at the rank of Executioner. He served in the Brotherhood after him and his companion Jyrath left each other for a while. Firenze joined a month after the Purification and rose through the ranks quickly, showing a lot of prowess. He doesn’t know much about his past, just that his mother was killed by bandits and his father was a drunkard. He left home when he was 13 and learnt to fend for himself. He was sentenced because he was caught assassinating a rich Dunmer noble.
Rachel the Breton
Name: Livitsa Levevna
Nickname: Liv
Race: Khajiit
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Birth sign: The Thief
Focus: Stealth
Main skills: Sneak, Lockpicking, Marksman, hand-to-hand, alteration
General appearance: Wiry, athletic young khajiit
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Green/blue cat eyes
Height: 6'0"
Tattoos/Scars: None; does wear a jewel right above the center of her eyebrows, however
Mental Description: Adventuresome, noble minded, sometimes quick to anger, but just and loyal
Weapons: fists (right now)
Primary Clothing/Armor: Black, lightweight armor; doesn't make much noise, and offers a little more protection than than regular clothes
Secondary Clothing/Armor: prison clothes
Job/Bio: Livitsa grew up in one of the provinces, but, facing discrimination as a khajiit, she moved to the Imperial City. Her dream was to someday become an imperial assassin, taking orders directly from the emperor; she had some initial skills, but realized that she needed to improve herself. Therefore she took a job as an accountant for the city, and used her wages to pay for some advanced magic and combat training. Meanwhile, the longer she worked, the more puzzled she became with what she saw; figures just weren't adding up. Finally, she went to her superiors with her strange findings; they dismissed her, and warned her to desist in her investigations. Certain that she had stumbled on some serious corruption, Livitsa continued to search for answers. Her actions were not unnoticed, however, and she found herself arrested and thrown into prison on trumped up charges. She has sworn to free herself and exact revenge on those who imprisoned her, and expose the corruption she initially found.
Name: Tiberious Romanos
Nickname: Lion
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Birth sign: The Warrior
Focus: Combat
Main skills: Hand-to-Hand, Long Blade, Athletics, Heavy armor, Block, Spear
General appearance: A tall olive skinned imperial with a very large build and short black hair with the focused eyes and eagle like nose of an imperial.
Hair: Short and black, maybe an inch long
Eye Colour: green
Height: very tall around 6'1 or '2
Build: Broad shouldered and heavily muscled
Tattoos/Scars: An intricate norse tribal tattoo that runs across the right side of his chest,his right shoulder,down to his wrist,and part of his back
Mental Description: Jaded and tired of the corrupted woirld he looks out for noone but himself
Weapons: None,but usualy he carries an intriactely carved silver sythe
Primary Clothing/Armour: An imperial legion curiass with the chaos emblem carved in the shoulders,black leather greaves and leather calvary boots
Secondary Clothing/Armour finer linen clothes (earned from being in the prison system and taking them from more well off prisoners,or earning them) poorly made shoes.
Job/Bio: born into the slums of the imperial city, he never knew his nordic father and when he became older he realized his mother had been [censored]. His large build and good looks gave him the idea to be a noble's retainer. his charm and looks quickly landed himself in the noble's wife's bedchamber. When Tiberious was caght he slew the noble's two body guards and fled. With a warrant out for his arrest he became aquainted with the theives guild. his lack of stealth was made up for his ability at combat to where he landed jobs guarding the bosses. Eventualy his temper landed him in trouble with the guards where he fist fought two beggars who wouldnt take his glare and swift no as an answer to their begging for gold. after being arrested and tried for the murders and his public disturbance he was shipped to the imperial prison.
Long John
Name: John Ragnar
Race: Nord
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Birth sign: The Warrior
Focus: Combat
Main skills: Short and long blade and unarmored combat.
General appearance: A tall and muscular nord with pale skin and a thick beard (from being in jail for a while)
Hair: Long dirt blond hair going slightly past his shoulders.
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: About average, 6 ft. 4
Tattoos/Scars: N/A
Mental Description: Calm and zen... accept when in battle. That's when he unleashes hell and destroys his enemies.
Weapons: None.
Job/Bio: John was raised by middle class family in bruma. And then became a traveling bounty hunter for the legion. He was the guy who hunted down Wanted thieves and killers alike and brought them back either dead or alive. He made loads of money for this, almost 1000 septims per person. And he was damn good at it.
Then one day out of no were he was accused of killing an innocent man. John's theory is that his real orders was replaced with fake orders telling him to murder the innocent person. Because John has only ever killed people when given permission by the legion, and even then he tried to let them live. Someone in the legion had it in for him.
It has been one year since John's been in jail and he hungers for freedom.
Dark Fox
Name: Keith
Nickname: Mr.Pimp (Lol just you really don't have to rp that if you don't want to)
Race: Redguard
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Birth sign: The Theif
Focus: Swordmen, streghth, and speed
Main skills: Long Blades, Sneak, Block, Hand to hand, Armomer, Heavy Armor
General appearance: Has brown colored skin. Looks something thisixcept not as red and big lips
Hair: Black Buzz cut
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: About average, 6.3 feet
Tattoos/Scars: several scars on his back.
Mental Description: Strong and fearful looking
Weapons: wishes he had some so he could kick some ass, but just uses hands since he's in jail.
Primary Clothing/Armour: usually wears all blades armor minus the helmet
Secondary Clothing/Armour (what you use for the Prison section of the RP): Sack Cloth Pants
Job/Bio: Use to work as a Pirate in Hammerfell. He worked for a pirate company called the Black Sharks, and they were a quite powerful pirate company throughout the seas of Hammerfell and owned well over 20 ships in Hammerfell. Sadly these pirates were tooken down by the local goverment as they had caught on to their growth and started to notice the effect their raids were having on the economy. Within one month an army of boats had already sank and arrested everyone involved in the pirate company, including Kieth. All Prisoners were then sent to Cyrodil to await trial.
Name: Ri'zaym
Nickname: Ri'zaym
Race: Khajiit
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Birth sign: The Warrior
Focus: Combat, but is a good with stealthy ambushes and sneaking.
Main skills: Short blades, Light Armour, Marksman, Stealth, Hand-to-Hand, Long blades, thrown, and Spears.
General appearance: A big Khajiit, a Cathay-raht, one of the mighty "jaguar-men" of Elsweyr.
Hair: all Black with golden spots, very thick fur.
Eye Colour: Yellow, sharp cat eyes
Height: Like a Cathay-raht, 6'8"
Tattoos/Scars: His arm, chest, and back fur was dyed red and yellow in strange tribal symbols. He has four scars on his chest from battles, and an arrowhead still lodged in his leg, but Ri'zaym doesn't mind.
Mental Description: Strong, bold, fearless, fearsome, and protective over his friends. But he can go into a frenzy.
Weapons: None while in prison. (Stashed outside by his pride-brothers)
Primary Clothing/Armour: He wears a copper plated leather neck guard, ornamented. On his torso he wears a thick kidney belt with a blue tribal sash tied around it, with gold and steel plates on the belt. His left bicep has a copper guard, and his fore-arm has a vambrace of copper and leather as well. While his right arm is decorated with arm bands and bracelets of the tribal Khajiit. he wears a thick, blue cloth skirt and sandals.
Secondary Clothing/Armour: Coarse cloth pants, leather sandals and wrist locks.
Job/Bio: Grew up in the jungles and oasis's of Elsweyr, raised as a warrior, for he was a Cathay-raht. Made a living on hunting and fur trading, as well as meat trading. Ri'zaym was bored of the desert, so he traveled to Black Marsh and began a life of smuggling. Soon he was involved in guerrilla warfare with the locals. He fled to the Imperial province of Cyrodiil, and went into hiding because the Shadowscales had a hit on him. He was eventually caught smuggling ebony and glass across the border of Morrowind, winding him up in prison.
Name - Ralas Hlaalu
Nickname - None
Race - Dunmer
Age - 22
Gender - Male
Birth Sign - The Warrior
Focus - Combat (With a few Stealth and Magic skills mixed in also)
Main Skills - Blade, Block, Armorer, Destruction, Sneak, Security, Marksman
General Appearance - A young, well-muscled Dark Elf who's appearance is one of an experienced, disciplined, and utterly deadly warrior
Hair - Grayish-blue, messy, unkept, and shaggy
Eye Color - Red
Height - 5 ft, 11 1/2 inches
Tatoos/Scars - A long scars running from below his left ear to the bottom of his left jawline, and two ragged scars running parallel diagonally from the center of his left cheek to the edge of his left lip.
Mental Description - A smart, cunning Dark Elf who's young age belies an extremely smart being who has seen many things, including some not-so-good-things in the short span of his lifetime.
Weapons - Dwarven Long and Short swords, an ancient, ancestral Hlaalu longsword, enchanted and so sharp it can cut through many forms of armor, and that has been passed down from father to son for innumerable years. It has spilled the blood of many of the Hlaalu's enemies, and is honored so much that it has been given an special Dunmer name that is only known by the sword's wielders.
Primary Clothing/Armor - An ancient, and also ancestral set of Hlaalu armor, also passed down from father to son with it's counterpart, the enchanted longsword.
Secondary Clothing/Armor - Cloth pants, shirt, and sandals, along with a pair of metal wrist bracers.
Biography - Born to a wealthy and honored Hlaalu family around the time the Nerevarine appeared and overthrew Dagoth Ur, Ralas grew up admiring this hero, much to the anger of his father, who utterly despised a being he refered to as a 'worthless, good for nothing, outlanish imposter and n'wah'. At the age of 15, he ran away from home, giving up a promising future, and went off into Morrowind in search of adventure. After many years of being a freelance mercenary/adventurer/treasure hunter, Ralas took a job to assassinate a high-up noble while he was visiting Balmora. However, his employer left out one small detail - the noble was Ralas's father. Having disowned his son when he 'ran away like a cowardly child' Ralas's father was shown no mercy by Ralas as he was brutally beheaded by his own son, while he pleaded desperately for his life. "Don't be a coward like me father." Ralas had snarled as he had prepared to land the fatal blow. I'll try not to make you suffer. Too much." After running from the scene, he was apprehended two days later in the hills of Vvardenfell by Imperial Forces, stripped of his possessions, and sent to the Imperial Prison in Cyrodiil.
Name: Jyrath
Nickname: Jy
Race: Royal Imperial / Imga ( A ape like creature)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Birth sign: The Warrior
Focus: Combat, but is a stronger runner.
Main skills: Hand-to-hand, blade, athletics, Armorer, heavy armor and acrobatics.
General appearance:Very strong, has a generally very dark brown fur.
Hair: A very thin layer of black fur that makes the man look greyish in colour.
Eye Colour: Shimmering golden eyes, that change to red when nearing death.
Height: Very tall, 6ft 6
Tattoos/Scars:He has a single tattoo of 2 Daedric claymores crossing on the left side of his chest with flames surrounding them. he has a large burn mark on his stomach from a encounter in a ayleid ruin.
Mental Description: Strong, Scared of heights, has no religion and is always calm in battle.
Weapons: None becuase he is in prison ( but normally has a enchanted gauntlet with blades on the forearm and a Enchanted axe that has one side like a mace.)
Primary Clothing/Armour: A custom armor which is a mix of elven and dwarven armor, the colour of pure black with crimson markings, short spikes are placed on the elbows, kneecaps, shoulders and helmet, the helmet has only two holes for his eyes and one for his mouth, the eye holes are enchanted to glow red, the chest is plated however the stomach is covered with chainmail.
Secondary Clothing/Armour (what you use for the Prison section of the RP): Coarse cloth pants, leather sandals and wrist locks. He has a ring was his dead wives and a amulet as a old reminder of when he went to Skyrim.
Job/Bio: Worked as an master smith in Bruma, worked for the Fighters Guild and achieved the rank of Guardian but defected to the Blackwood company but was displeased with the way the operated and left. He is a long-time friend of Firenze, he was beaten as a child so he has a lust for destruction.
Race: Dunmer
Class: Spell-Knight
Skills: Blade, Restoration, Destruction, Conjuration, Heavy Armor, Lockpicking, Speechcraft
Favored Attributes: Strength, Intelligence
Armor/clothing: Black Robes and a Black Hood
Weapon: A steel dagger
Appearance: Red Eyes, Black Hair, Ash-Colored Skin.
Age: 23
Religion: Daedric Worshipper
Biography: He lived an uneventful life as a child, but at age 19, he watched as an imperial legion soldier killed his parents in Morrowind. He left Morrowind afterwards, with some regrets, such as his girlfriend Ahnassi, but then he decided, Cyrodiil was his destiny. So he went
Skills: Blade, Restoration, Destruction, Conjuration, Heavy Armor, Lockpicking, Speechcraft
Favored Attributes: Strength, Intelligence
Armor/clothing: Black Robes and a Black Hood
Weapon: A steel dagger
Appearance: Red Eyes, Black Hair, Ash-Colored Skin.
Age: 23
Religion: Daedric Worshipper
Biography: He lived an uneventful life as a child, but at age 19, he watched as an imperial legion soldier killed his parents in Morrowind. He left Morrowind afterwards, with some regrets, such as his girlfriend Ahnassi, but then he decided, Cyrodiil was his destiny. So he went, and he worships daedra, his preferred daedra are Hircine (he likes hunting people), Boethia (Dark Elf Daedra Prince), and Mephala. He just killed several rogue daedra, and was arrested by an imperial guard for misfiring... Now he is in prison.