I just encountered HUMAN Cell underwater for more than a minute in hunter mode on hydro dam, WTF? This guy was just standing behind underwater cover and shooting any hunters with the typhoon. LAME. fix this please, Last time I checked I (being human) cannot breathe underwater. Another very important issue I want to raise is the LAGGY shields that somehow fit into vents and still provide cover. I have a really big problem with all off the shield properties and characteristics. On hunter, everyone camps in the corner with the OP shield. Its only OP because it somehow OHK nanosuit wearers with a little love tap even if the nanouser has retreated over ten yards, they somehow get stuck in a Halo-like melee maneuver that lunges the damage thirty feet but keeps the guy in the corner protected. Anyone else have a problem with laggy beyond belief shield? Please leave responses so we can get this issue resolved.