Where are the images and videos?
Here are some videos from the previous version. The functionality shown here has already been re-implemented.
Will be posting pix when have completed the new mesh and textures.
What the mod is about:
This mod aims to allow you to experience the life of a shape shifting Daedra from earlier TES games, the Seducer. In this mod, you will be able to play as a Seducer in the service of the Daedric Prince, Mephala. There will be a number of quests given by Mephala that you will need to complete. The Daedric Prince does not look kindly on his servants that do not follow her will.
What abilities does a Seducer have?
Keeping in the spirit of the original Seducers, you will be able to alter your character's appearance and to fly.
How does shape shifting work?
The Seducer has a number of forms, two constant forms, the "True Form" and "Primary Form". The True Form is the Seducer as they appear in their default/basic Daedric form (wings and all), while the Primary Form is the default form used when interacting with Mer. Once set, these forms cannot be altered. Mortals who see the Seducer in True Form will attack on sight. Daedra on other planes of existence may also attack the Seducer depending on the relationship between their Prince and Mephala.
Aside from the constant forms, a Seducer may also assume more temporary forms as well in order to complete assignments, escape the law, join guilds, etc. These new forms can be custom (created using the Race Menu) or be a copy of an existing NPC. The amount of time a Seducer may maintain a temporary form is based on the experience level of the Seducer, as well as the time that the Seducer has spent in the temporary form. It is more difficult for a Seducer to maintain a newly created form than it is to maintain one that has been used a number of times.
A Seducer is able to copy the appearance of a mortal and under certain circumstance may be able to impersonate that NPC. In order to impersonate an NPC, the Seducer must copy the physical appearance of the NPC and most importantly, have the permission of Mephala to impersonate the NPC. If a Seducer attempts to impersonate an NPC that the Web Spinner has marked as "off limits", the Seducer may be severely punished by the Daedric Prince. If the Seducer has permission to impersonate a mortal, then to be convincing, the Seducer will also have to learn the mannerisms (speech patterns, voice, way of moving, body language, etc.), wear similar clothes and do actions that are not out of character with the NPC. This is because simply looking like someone does not mean you can convince someone else that you are the NPC!!
Impersonation is very powerful as it grants the Seducer access to the NPC's home and property. Also other NPCs will think that the Seducer is the NPC. This means that any crime committed by the Seducer while impersonating an NPC will be blamed on the NPC. In other words, if the Seducer murders another NPC and is witnessed doing so, then the guards will attack the NPC being impersonated if the Seducer no longer looks like the NPC!
On a more technical note, the shape shifting will also allow you to customise a specific character by giving them longer legs, fatter stomach, smaller briasts, etc. Am also planning on allowing different textures as well, i.e. smooth, hairy, tattooed, etc.
How does flying work?
Seducers can fly when in their True Form (wings are needed of course). This is taxing at lower levels and the foolish Seducer can plummet to the ground and sustain major damage if they overexert themselves.
The flying implemented in this mod has collision detection, so no more flying through walls.
Isn't this an overly powerful race?
The race is potentially very powerful, which is why there are a number of limitations.
- to remain in the mortal realm of Mundus, the Seducer must be "anchored" to a denison of that realm. What this means is that a Seducer has to find an NPC and establish a bond between them. This bond needs to be renewed periodically. If the bond breaks (too weak or the Seducer "dies" on Mundus), then the Seducer is banished to the Void. To establish a bond, the Seducer must befriend a mortal and "seduce" them and obtain consent to perform a bonding ritual with them.
- only the True Form and Primary Form can be maintained without effort for any period of time. Only three Temporary Forms are available for assuming other forms. The duration of these forms is limited based on the experienc of the Seducer and the time that the forms have been assumed.
- not ANY NPC may be impersonated (to avoid giving access to areas a player should not access). If a player tries to do so anyway, there are major penalties that are applied (Mephala's Displeasure). Also to properly impersonate a NPC, they must be studied in a fair amount of detail to allow the ruse to be successful.
- flying is tiring.
How does a Seducer "bond" with an NPC?
The Seducer needs to gain the trust of an NPC, either by befriending them, saving them, seducing them, hiring them, etc. Once done, the Daedra needs to perform a ritual of bonding which requires close physical and mental proximity. If the NPC does not trust the Seducer enough, the bonding may not work, be inefficient or worst case scenario, the NPC may attack the Seducer. For this reason, interpersonal skills are important for Seducers, as they need to be charming.
To restore/renew bonds, the Seducer will need to maintain a high level of trust with the NPC. The giving of gifts, tokens of affection, taking the NPC to their favourite places, etc. are ways of doing this.
The bond can be broken in a number of ways. If the Seducer "dies" on Mundus, for some reason the NPC totally distrusts the Seducer or the bond is magically severed, then the bond is broken and the Seducer is banished to the Void.
What happens in the Void?
Long story short, not a nice place, want to get out of it. It is possible, but can be difficult. Leaving the Void will allow the Seducer to enter Mundus again, but will have weakened the Seducer some what.
What interesting stuff can I expect from the quests?
Ever wondered what the Daedra the conjurers summon feel about being summoned and placed in harm's way think about?
Wouldn't it be fun to frame an annoying NPC with the murder of another?
Ever wanted to get two NPCs to fall in love, but the idiots were too dense?
Go along with Mephala's plans or oppose them?
What about graphics?
There are new meshes and textures (different from the previous version) and will include new animations as well. There may be custom armour and weapons.
New skeleton to allow for "body shaping", i.e. longer/shorter legs/arms, etc. and additional bones for interesting bits.
Mephala will be modelled and animated in all her/his glory!
What is needed for this mod to work?
At the moment the latest version of OBSE, but there are other plugins, such as NifSE, Scanti's, etc. You will also need to have Wrye Bash installed (NB)!
Why was the first version removed from TESNexus?
The reason it was removed is that some time after I released the first version and Wrye released Wrye Morph, the scripts were changed and caused the shape shifting code of my mod to be broken. So when I came back to the Oblivion modding scene, I decided to take it down until something more usable was available again.
Want to help?
Doing this solo takes a lot of time (of which I don't have much). So in order to get things moving faster, yes I'm accepting help.
If you're a talented modder and would like to assist, drop me a line. I'm looking for writers, modellers, voice actors, level designers and scripters.
Progress so far
========== 95% Re-implementing old code (shape shifting & flying)
========== 20% Re-modelling race meshes and skin textures
========== 0% Implementing abilities
========== 1% Implementing quests
========== 0% New weapons and armour
========== 0% Mephala
========== 5% Story line script
========== 0% Level building