... or Alchemy Lab for that matter, but kid's room is the important part!
EDIT: Damnit! I'm sorry! I placed this in the wrong section.
I did try searching for this, but maybe I'm just terrible at Google. Who knows? I found lots of people who have the same problem as me, or similar, and I even found what might be the cause, but no solution. But I figured that can't be true. It's been long since the last DLC, someone must have come up with something.
My problem is, that when puschasing decorations for Breezehome, the children's bedroom option looks like this: Children's Bedroom [...], and I can't purchase it. I can pay for it, sure, several times even. But it never shows up in my home. Alchemy lab option looks normal, but acts just the same. The money gets removed from my inventory, but the room isn't added to my house, and the option stays in the dialogue.
Now, I don't know if this goes for any of the other houses, as I haven't tried yet. And you might just say "Avoid Breezehome, it's super buggy anyway", but no. I'm stubborn and I want it to work. *angryface*
I do have all the USKPs. Someone somewhere mentioned they would fix it, but apparently they don't.
Somewhere else I read that using console to clear the room of boxes, cobwebs and what not before purchasing furnishing would do the trick, but it didn't help me either.
I tried disabling all mods, didn't help. Not even with a new, mod-less character. I have BOSS to sort my load-order. I tried reloading earlier saves. I tried waiting.
So... Did anyone find a fix for this? A player-created patch? A cheat? Anything? I want that house, and I want kids to live in it.