That's kind of interesting. Elves are supposed to live a long time, but half-elves (like Cassynder) and Bretons age more rapidly. I wonder why?
Mundrial metabolic activity produces free-sithical errata, low-order planetaculii nonetheless oblivirious to the delicate filigree of adabalhelices-a from which all mundroids - Merrimorphs, Mannoids, even Histologues - derive their moment-to-moment hypostates. This is the phenom known as aging.
Merrimorphs derive their longevity from passive thaumanutritive supplementation, effectively obviating a large portion of their physical dietary intake, and therefore the associated hypostatical dommage.
The apparent dearth of moons and winters seen by Merromannish hybrids is due to poor, or rather, incompatible lifestyles - Bretons and their ilk attempting to emulate the shezarrisithical gourmandizing of their fellow mannoids proves too "rich" for their mixed blood.