Breton for sure, I like playing as a human looknig kind of guy.
Apprentice or Thief, I plan to use a good use of paralyze and command and conjuration so I'll need a bit of magicka. Don't care much for the magicka weakness due to breton canceling that out well.
Major Skills: most will be magicskills I will not use, except mysticism.
Alteration- not in use
Myticism +INT
Restoration-not in use/stealth is my armor
Blunt-not in use
Security (not planning to use Skel key) +AGI
Acrobatics +SPD
Armorer- like to get this up fast/a bit iffy on this one
Any advice would be great.

Give me some help on the level limits and which ones to pick.
My character goes with stealth and a bit of magic(with conjuration for distractions) and then blade as a last resort.