My Breton Stealth Class

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:39 pm

Hey need some insight on my stealthy Breton: I'm trying to be somewhat level efficient because I plan to use alot of nonused major skills and stop around 20-25. So let me hear your thoughts.

Breton for sure, I like playing as a human looknig kind of guy.

Apprentice or Thief, I plan to use a good use of paralyze and command and conjuration so I'll need a bit of magicka. Don't care much for the magicka weakness due to breton canceling that out well.

Major Skills: most will be magicskills I will not use, except mysticism.

Alteration- not in use
Myticism +INT
Restoration-not in use/stealth is my armor
Blunt-not in use
Security (not planning to use Skel key) +AGI
Acrobatics +SPD
Armorer- like to get this up fast/a bit iffy on this one

Any advice would be great. :) I expect Acadian will have something to say.

Give me some help on the level limits and which ones to pick.

My character goes with stealth and a bit of magic(with conjuration for distractions) and then blade as a last resort.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:09 am

Sounds like an interesting build.

The main way to use sneak is to combine it with enchanted 6x blade strike or a poison bow hit. However with paralyze, command and conjuration as your main attack, it still means that you will have to finish them off somehow, unless you are planning to flee from most fights. Remember that you will have no access to summon spells until conjuration is 25.
You can always use Bound dagger to get you there quickly, I guess.

One change I would make is to have either blade or destruction as a major. Having both as minors means that it is a long, long journey to 25. And you will still need something to fall back upon.
With apprentice birthsign the early fights against vampire mages and conjurers are not much fun. At least by having one of them at 25 you can still compete.

Blade is okay as a major (instead of blunt) it levels slowly, anyway.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:36 am

Sounds like an interesting build.

The main way to use sneak is to combine it with enchanted 6x blade strike or a poison bow hit. However with paralyze, command and conjuration as your main attack, it still means that you will have to finish them off somehow, unless you are planning to flee from most fights. Remember that you will have no access to summon spells until conjuration is 25.
You can always use Bound dagger to get you there quickly, I guess.

One change I would make is to have either blade or destruction as a major. Having both as minors means that it is a long, long journey to 25. And you will still need something to fall back upon.
With apprentice birthsign the early fights against vampire mages and conjurers are not much fun. At least by having one of them at 25 you can still compete.

Blade is okay as a major (instead of blunt) it levels slowly, anyway.

I plan to 'train'my skills early game. I will not exactly start the game until I'm around 10 or so. So I'll have conjuration and and these skills covered. Blade is a skill I use from time to time and will level when it does. I like to train my character a good long bit, its dullsometimes but I have other characters to switch too when I'm bored of training. Thx for reminding me on the vampires , they can be a tough nut to crack but so the more satisfactory to succeed. destruction I actually never use much, like blade I use time to time and levels when it does.

I mostly stick to skills that I will never use at all like alteration(I never really use it) and restoration(trying to keep my self from using minor heal). I'm trying to be adamant on the level limit as possible because I hate sponge enemies. But I'd still like to be able to use ebony arrows so 25 is a good stop for me. I usually get blade to 50 or so midways in characters, some times I want to snipe them, sometimes I want to rip their flesh apart :shrugs:

Thx, Also I thinking of putting security into minors since it levels are always leveling for me and replace that with h2h.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:02 am
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