» Sat May 28, 2011 11:59 pm
I don't care which race will have which accent,but a variation of accents would be a nice thing to add.
When I got S.I. and Haskill started talking to me,it felt so refreshing.
Even at small countries,if you travel from village to village you may found people talking with such accents the same language,that it's hard to understand.
But they shouldn't overdo it.
Regarding old english,I say NO.
Let them use any accent they want. British,American etc,but please not Old English.
Lot's of players around the world which their first language isn't english and the game isn't localized at their first language,they will choose to play it at english.But english classes around the world teach Modern Brittish English and not the Old tongue.
I remember when I first played Zelda: Ocarina of Time back then,and there was an important NPC named "Deku Tree" wich was a tree and all his dialogues where at Old English. I didn't undestood 70% from what he was saying..
And I don't want this to happen to me again!