Breton - French
Nord - German
Imperial - Italian
Redguard - Arabic
Orc - Russian
Altmer - British
Bosmer - Spanish
Dunmer - Jamaican
Khajiit and Argonian sort of have their own accents already.
Hahaha.. Hugh Grant voicing the Altmer, "Hmmm, ugggh, yes, yes, hmmm, just, just call me.. I don't know.. Goldenrod ahh yes, hmm."
I guess. I mean, French is the only accent that makes, "Take out the garbage" sultry.
It's in the tone more, I heard a week ago a woman talking about dripping garbage juice on the stair carpet in english... her voice made me pay attention.
The French accent is already used by Bioware in Dragon Age with the natives of Orlais and in that game it works (barely) but it doesn't sound entirely genuine with a French accent in a fantasy world. There's also the risk it will feel too "thought out" and clichéd, a bit too much like a Hollywood thing. So Bethesda please no.
DA was a bit Allo Allo, sometimes they just went all over the place just like Athony Hopkins when he tries an accent.
Not joking how about the accent the actress that did Jaheira's VO in Baldurs gate 2: shadows of Amn.
I'd play the game just to hear that tbh...
Though that's just because I like it when a woman rolls her R's.