I know it’s early to talk about post-launch content, but the developers should consider adding “Brewing” as a potential Zen Activity (much like Fishing) down the road
for ESO. Basically, players can go into any local tavern/inn and find a distiller where they can make alcoholic beverages. Brewing would be designed as a mini-game,
whereby experimenting with ingredients in the distiller to make various alcoholic beverages; http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Alcoholic_Beverages
Brewing would also support the social atmosphere in taverns as a way to relax with your guild mates after a long dungeon crawl or even celebrating after a major victory
in Cyrodiil. Brewing could also pay apart in the Provisioning profession as a required ingredient for certain recipes. Lastly, this activity is supported by lore as there is a
Brewers Guild; http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Guilds_Act
Lastly, with the addition of the Justice System (post-launch), players could get arrested in the tavern if they make; http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Skooma_(Skyrim)