Alright, so Brian's arguement is basically stating that when you compare Skyrim to Zelda, that Zelda is superior. I have a lot of beef with that. Here's why:
1) You can't compare two games that aren't apart of the same Genre. Zelda is a more action oritened RPG with a linear adventure, having quest picked up along the way. Skyrim, from the start, you have freedom - PURE Freedom. An RPG based around a depth of Lore and exploration that only Zelda fans could DREAM about.
2) Zelda is a another Mario-type. How many times, different ways can you save the princess? (that should be the title of the new Zelda.) Although you play a strong hero(ine)(OR Villian even, do that Zelda..) in Skyrim, the main plot in EVERY elder scrolls has been different. Never have you had to continously kill Dagon, or walk in the depths of Oblivion, or kill a Dragon in every game.
3) The Elder Scrolls carries more of a mature theme as Zelda has always been a kiddish-type of feature, made for anyone. You're basically, in lamen terms, comparing an advlts game, to a child's game. That's like comparing Left 4 Dead to Pok'e mon. Come on....
And I could probably go in to it a lot more, but I'll save the arguement. Just read the article, if you haven't, and let me know what you think. I've seen some stupid articles, but this one is biting the bullet.
Skyrim - GOTY. Who's with me on that?
::Edit:: fixed the poll.