erm.. the night sky in Oblivion is beautiful. Yeah.
I found it to be far too bright at night time in Oblivion. Visibility was just about as good as during the day, albeit it a tad darker.
Perhaps just my PC though.
I sort of agree with both of these statements. I did find the nightsky beautiful, as was the lovely clear days. However they didn't feel realistically dark. Beauty seemed more important than realism in this case. The weather itself felt a tad weak on this point. It was a little too rare that the rain actually "felt" wet. A dark forest or road didn't feel scary as you could see rather far away anyway and didn't have to be any more worried about being attacked as you were during the day. I remember moments in both games when I could feel how the rain poured down and you just wanted to find a warm comfy in-game house to get into.
Thunderstorms also felt too one-formed, atleast in Oblivion, it was a while since I last played Morrowind, and I don't remember much about the weatherchanges.
Again, in Oblivion, did anyone else feel like the weather could randomly change rather quickly if you went into a house/dungeon and then outside again? And not just from, for example, a rainfall to just cloudy, but from rain to sunshine.