i've played oblivion on various brightness settings, adn on the default the aylied ruins and caves seem so dark. what is a good brightness setting for oblivion?
I've no idea what your system is (I assume since you're said you were using mods, it's a PC) so all I can say is this:
Set the brightness settings in Oblivon on exactly 50%.
Exit the game.
Open your video card console - for me, it's the NVIDIA Settings on the bottom of my Windows toolbar. Find something that says color or gamma correction. Most have some kind of test; work through that until your satisfied with the result.
Then go back to the game and see what you think.
Franky, it's an impossible question to answer because video cards and monitors are so different. My desktop - which I rarely use anymore - has an ATI Raedon card and a ViewSonic monitor. With the gamma/color adjusted, Oblivion plays dark and forbooding, even with the in-game adjustment at 50%.
On my MacBook, the Oblivion world glows with color - especially after I installed Weather: All Natural. Of course, I've adjusted my MacBook (even the Windows settings) with more care for digital photography and art purposes. Mods and W:AN make the game darker, the nights deep and rich in color, and so on. Now, when I go back to my desktop, everything looks red and yellow and washed-out.
~ Dani ~