brinewater cavern

Post » Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:40 pm

tracked gulum Ei there after 10 days of watching for him to leave empire tradeing what abummer but can't get him to come out of cavern tried wiki no hel[p thieves guild quest ???? the fossil thanks ahead of time can't complete quest unless i can talk with gulaum Ei

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Post » Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:14 pm

not completely sure what your asking...

Your suppose to follow him into the East Empire Trading port. From there he goes into the Brinewater Cavern.

Your saying you can't get him to come out of the cavern? That's because he doesn't come out. Your suppose to confront him there after killing all the bandits. (not the guards in the port, sneak past those)

The steps are...

Follow the argonian from the Winking Skeever to the port. Follow him into the East Empire Trading Co port. Follow at a distance when you get inside and avoid the imperial guards walking about. Eventually he will go into the cavern. Follow him in and kill the bandits as you go along. you'll catch up with him at the end. Talk to him to complete the quest.

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Laura Tempel
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Post » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:22 pm

You can kill the guards, the guild doesn't seem to care about them.

Maybe not what a thief should do, but there are no consequences that I know of.

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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:34 pm

I've found that killing them can occasionally cause issues with the argonian your suppose to be tailing.

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