Crytek I am one of the fans from day 1 since FarCRY 1 came out so I hope this feedback is being read by someone in Frankfurt.
Singleplayer is a nice game although DX11 is not available as announced. I like the details b/c you can see that you put a lot effort in those. Good job!
But come on: Multiplayer is so disappointing, I was hoping it to be a joke when playing the demo but no...
- you cannot turn off this annoying "nanovision enabled" suit voice
- you wait forever to join a game but most of the time you just wait in the lobby where everyone is complaining in the chat box
- where is a map like Mesa???
- where is power struggle??
- where are vehicles like humvee or spawn trucks or helis or even vtols??
- why cant u join an empty map?
- why do you have to wait for 12 or more players to start a game?
- no speed mode, no strength mode so no strafe jumps
- maps are so small that they are filled by cloaking noobs who camp in bushes
I am sure that there are more issues but I wont find them since I will go back to Crysis wars or Bad Company 2