» Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:24 pm
What I would like to see regarding dungeons is more logic applied to them. The forts should be -forts-, with storage areas, weapons areas, commons areas, etc. Even if they are abandoned or broken, they should be large and diverse enough to have actually put up a fight. There should be the above ground fort structure, with multiple entrances to below. The below sections could be isolated by fused shut doors, cave ins, etc, but what you would have is effectively an above ground level, with attached independant dungeonettes, that form one coherent dungeon.
The cave systems should be more extensive....as well as having both living and dead caves.
The Daggerfall style dungeons would be ideal as things like mage research or strongholds. Only an idiot goes into a mages place of power and expects it to be a linear walk.....
The Aylied ruins need to follow more the fort style mentioned above, and be more than generic tombs. If those structures survived, there must be reasons why. Finding that out in itself could consume visiting half a dozen or more of this type of abandoned ruin.
And then there is the most ignored type; towers. Make at least part of a tower dungeon an actual bloody tower!