Bring back Powerstruggle game mode?

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:09 am

Fingers crossed that if we get the editor/sdk they have left the PS assets in the library. Although I have got a feeling they won't :( We'll see

The most likely case is going to be that the developers are going to conserve DVD space for content related to Crysis 2, so that means leaving out **** that has no useful purpose in the game at release. This ultimately means that you will not see powerstruggle assets in the SDK because they would need that space for more important content.

The only hope we have for Powerstruggle to be placed into this game would be if EA and Crytek plan DLC that adds new gamemodes and maps that are Powerstruggle-related in the future. If they did that, I would automatically purchase it, but this would be the biggest **** I would ever see coming from a software developer (holding back content from a previous game with the intention to add it later and penny-pinch us, by forcing us to buy it).

However, if they somehow are able to refresh the Powerstruggle gamemode as well as they have done to Crysis 2, and they release it as DLC, it would be the single greatest DLC ever to be released by a software developer, right next to DICE when they released that Vietnam DLC for Bad Company 2.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:15 am

Meh. No powerstruggle. No open maps. No vehicles. No interesting weapons. Arma like movement. The game was made for kids. I've already ditched the leak. This new game has been decimated by trying to fit things on a console. It has nowhere near the beauty of the original Crysis and Wars. I went back to Wars yesterday, and had a much better time than I did in Crysis 2 MP. C2 MP svcks hard.

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trisha punch
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:50 pm

amen now if they throw a curve and actually do MORE with PC MP than announced then the chances of me purchasing this game go **DRASTICALLY** higher

im also glad i didn't preorder ; then i would have a fixed cost or a sunk cost and nothing to lose by giving crytek adoration with the disclaimer that if they don't deliver it'll come back to them later. luckily i didnt preorder.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:37 am

Just wait a few months and you can catch it in the bargain bin. If you really want it. I was REALLY disappointed in it. Crysis Wars is 10x better.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:41 pm

eww! crysis wars i heard svcked!

lotta people came back to crysis 1 after crysis wars came out :P lol
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:06 pm

If you actually played Crysis Wars multiplayer, it was fantastic. Not only did Crytek make the multiplayer portion free to download to people who host or go to lan events, it was also well supported with patches and Sandbox 2 content and mod support. It was an excellently made product and was marketed very well in all aspects.

Crysis 2 will probably be well made, but will still seem short of content, mark my words.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:34 am

I loved PS game mode very much. I think that PS should be on crysis 2 too.
because it got much tricks and gameplay styles . I loves that style of gameplay
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Laura Richards
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:10 am

Yes yes yes yes yes....but powerstruggle should be for PC only....and the player limit/time limit needs to be left up to the admins IMO. Oh yeah, and prone/lean should be included.

Powerstruggle on consoles will actually be a struggle and will never be the best as it can be because of the limit of consoles. I don't mind if the console gamers play powerstruggle but considering the main console audience and the hardware of the consoles, it just won't work.

Power struggle F T W!!
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:57 am

You can't say that powerstruggle wont work on consoles. Battlefield Bad Company 2 has it going on both consoles just fine. And it has 32 players.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:00 am

I'm really missing some Power Struggle action... I want it really bad in Crysis 2. :(

Power Struggle is what defined the Crysis multiplayer franchise and now that it's gone in Crysis 2, its almost like the game is losing part of its identity...
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April D. F
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:22 pm

Guys, there will be a PS game mode. Crytek would have to be retarded not to realize that the huge PS maps are the most played maps in Crysis.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:26 pm

I am sorry sir, but your argument is absurd. Huge maps ruined Crysis even though they were quite popular among "casual" gamers.
I'd say you continue beatin good ol' jill and retire from these premises immediately.
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:17 am

I am sorry sir, but your argument is absurd. Huge maps ruined Crysis even though they were quite popular among "casual" gamers.
I'd say you continue beatin good ol' jill and retire from these premises immediately.
I suppose you're right. It would make sense for Crytek to ignore the casual gamers. This game should be designed around the small handful of players who are into instant action game modes.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:38 am

For those of you with low I.Q., NecessaryEvil426 was being sarcastic. It would be a nightmare if they ignored the casual gamers (a.k.a. CoD/Halo players) because they would make no money off of selling games to the small population of the hardcoe Crysis fanboy audience.

The game should appeal to a wide audience, especially though, to the Crysis veteran players who have supported the developer from day one.

Adding powerstruggle would be highly simplistic compared to what they have done to get the damn game engine to run smoothly on consoles with five year-old hardware as well as pack so much content into it.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:33 pm

give consoles what they want
give pcers what they want

too much for you? maybe

luckily pitying a company is not on my agenda so u wont get a mercy purchase from me
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:46 pm

LOL, PS players are casual players. Thats like saying Black Shark and Arma players are casual gamers. PS players usually play with no time limit. The game can go on for 2 or 3 hours sometimes. Its the instant action people that are "casual". One of the things I don't like about Crysis 2. Its all intstant action crap. The maps are too tiny for any useful tactics.

And for the people who are saying PS will be in Crysis 2. It isn't. There are no large MP maps. There is no PS. All the maps are tiny instant action maps. I've completely examined the leak. This is a total console port, limited by consoles.

Its going to take the modders a long time to do anything with it.
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:00 am

I would love for someone to explain how Powerstruggle could even be properly implemented into Crysis 2. It would be nothing more than a run-of-the mill Domination gametype.

i dont know why people are always saying that PS cant be implemented on C2 cause of player limitation or maps size, last night i had a great PS game in CW with only 10-12 players on refinery which is a quite small map and guess what, it doesnt have a jungle, its on a building themed environment, im pretty sure if crytek wanted they could put PS on C2 and would just need to make a little bit of adaptation to the bigger maps that are already featured in C2
in my opinion is not a player number/map size limitation, is more like an intellectual limitation of the target public for this game, the casual and 'shoot and stab everything that moves' gamers

I dont know how you managed to type so much and still not answer my post. Its not about player count, map size or player intelligence.. its about lacking major gameplay elements that are necessary for the gametype to work such as having a base, buying weapons/vehicles, etc.

How do you put a gametype that revolves around destroying the enemy base into a game that has no bases or even a centralized spawn point?

im not a mapper expert but i hope that the professionals at crytek are able to, if they are ordered to, put some kind of protoype factory and a couple energy sites on a already existing map of c2 with some adaptations to the landscape of course, if they cant do that im not sure how much professional are they
maybe some aspects of the powerstruggle would be changed but that would be better than nothing

some other thing that i see very discussed around here, opposed to what most ppl think, PS doesnt need big maps with tons of vehicles , the best and most competitive PS maps are the smaller ones were the only vehicles used are cars so i really cant see any good reason for crytek not making PS mode except for the complexity of the game and the objectives needed to win

i just hope they see that a large number of players are interested in PS and maybe they will release it later as dlc, free dlc i hope, since this should be in the game from the very beginning
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:00 pm

The thing is, I never cared about capturing the specific structures in Crysis powerstruggle, it was the actual feeling of freedom you had while playing it that I cared about.

I really enjoyed having to earn my vehicles and weapons by making kills. It promoted skill and tactics (unlike Battlefield, where they simply spawn vehicles and people use them as a novelty rather than a tool).

Since it is too late to add it in now, I really hope they consider adding new, and bigger maps with a new powerstruggle gamemode as DLC in the future. How many of you wish the same?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:28 am

looks like over 70% want that

once they get that, ill come back as long as circumstance permits
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:10 am

Not just the feeling of freedom and choice, but the awesome feeling you get after a three hour long battle makes the game feel more believable, and winning after such a long battle makes you feel like you actually took part in a real struggle to victory.

The original Crysis Power Struggle required real teamwork and tactics, thought and strategy. Not this "new wave of teamwork" 6v6 bullcrap that Crytek UK tries to shove on us, promoting Capture the Relay as a real alternative to something as complex like Power Struggle. Crysis Wars power struggle was streamlined to require less teamwork, but was still such a great gamemode to play and the thought that goes into a battle like that is immense.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:47 pm

It was great to have the ability to go solo on Mesa, finding ways to get to inaccessible high perches and snipe. Or be able to make a large killstreak, and purchase a heavy attack helicopter to support your teammates who are attempting to capture an area by picking up/dropping off individuals as well as providing aerial support. Or being able to buy a spawn truck in Harbor, and drive it to a location nearby an enemy stronghold (usually the enemy team caps a spawn bunker and a nearby facility which causes them to be heavily defended) and shifts the balance of the game because now the entire team decides to spawn on that parked location and overtake the enemy stronghold.

God, there were so many strategies for players, whether they be lone wolves such as myself, or team-oriented clans. There was everything for everyone in that game mode, which is why it is critical that they bring it back!
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:25 am

the world is starting to choose games like minecraft over highly graphic games does Crytek really believe graphics are more important than content?

then dont increase the graphics and lower the content numskulls!
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:27 am

It seems as if the community here is not fond of Powerstruggle.

But are you guys fond enough of it if Crytek/EA decided that they should release Powerstruggle as a DLC; would you buy it?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:57 am

I am fond of Power Struggle and most of the people here who don't like it are here waiting for something non-vehicle based than the people who do like it, are busy playing it right now.

My most fond memories come from Power Struggle games... Even the Crysis competitive scene is based almost entirely out of the Power Struggle theme.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:18 am

Great , the best mode won't be on crysis 2 -__-
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