The most likely case is going to be that the developers are going to conserve DVD space for content related to Crysis 2, so that means leaving out **** that has no useful purpose in the game at release. This ultimately means that you will not see powerstruggle assets in the SDK because they would need that space for more important content.
The only hope we have for Powerstruggle to be placed into this game would be if EA and Crytek plan DLC that adds new gamemodes and maps that are Powerstruggle-related in the future. If they did that, I would automatically purchase it, but this would be the biggest **** I would ever see coming from a software developer (holding back content from a previous game with the intention to add it later and penny-pinch us, by forcing us to buy it).
However, if they somehow are able to refresh the Powerstruggle gamemode as well as they have done to Crysis 2, and they release it as DLC, it would be the single greatest DLC ever to be released by a software developer, right next to DICE when they released that Vietnam DLC for Bad Company 2.