» Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:56 am
I would love for someone to explain how Powerstruggle could even be properly implemented into Crysis 2. It would be nothing more than a run-of-the mill Domination gametype.
i dont know why people are always saying that PS cant be implemented on C2 cause of player limitation or maps size, last night i had a great PS game in CW with only 10-12 players on refinery which is a quite small map and guess what, it doesnt have a jungle, its on a building themed environment, im pretty sure if crytek wanted they could put PS on C2 and would just need to make a little bit of adaptation to the bigger maps that are already featured in C2
in my opinion is not a player number/map size limitation, is more like an intellectual limitation of the target public for this game, the casual and 'shoot and stab everything that moves' gamers
I dont know how you managed to type so much and still not answer my post. Its not about player count, map size or player intelligence.. its about lacking major gameplay elements that are necessary for the gametype to work such as having a base, buying weapons/vehicles, etc.
How do you put a gametype that revolves around destroying the enemy base into a game that has no bases or even a centralized spawn point?
For the concept to even work with Crysis 2s multiplayer gameplay so much would have to be cut out that it wouldnt even be Powerstruggle anymore.