Have a look at these....
You're a sick puppy. I'd never use my Ultima maps as place-mats

Your collection appears a little incomplete. I don't see the Ultima II map or the Ultima Online map

I've always considered framing mine and hanging them on the wall, but I like being able to handle them. They take me back to those weekend days when I'd play 15 hours a day. My only other cloth maps are the Everquest Ruins of Kunark one and the Baludr's Gate one.
Todd said he grew up playing the Ultima games. I suspect that if he could have gotten a cloth map made, he would have already. Of course, I'd like one, but at this point, it is kind of late in the series to start producing them. Of course, they could always release all of the back maps as part of the collector's edition too. Or, sell them individually on their website. I'd buy them.