Bring the theme tune into the lore...

Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:33 am

I really love the Elder Scrolls theme and it's many incarnates, but I think the Skyrim theme fits most with the story it represents, and I think it would be really cool if it were actually part of the game. But to explain what I mean, you need to and imagine something...

At the climix of the main quest the Dovahkiin stands at the frigid peak of The Throat of the World. Off in the distance, an army of dragons descends from the clouds one by one. As the Dovahkiin prepares for battle, the serpents soar towards High Hrothgar, screaming words of power menacingly. Then, their roars are met with the thump of a drum. The sound wave from the drum sends out a shock wave that knocks a dragon clean out of the air for a moment. The Dovahkiin looks round, now seeing that every Graybeard has manned drums of war, building up a steady beat.

The dragons slow down in the air, being pushed back by the massive sound created by the Graybeard's magical war drums, but aren't kept at bay for long. More and more dragons begin to surround the peak, and one breaks through the wall of sound, and head straight towards the Dovahkiin with it's snapping jaws. This signals the beginning of the combat music, overlapping with the in-game drums. As more dragons breach the magical walls created by the war drums, the Graybeards break into a chant. This chant is a symphony of thu'um, combining to create powerful shouts that, in a sequence, are unbearable to the dragons. The dovahkiin must defend the Graybeards as they ward off the army of dragons.

The immense amount of dragon souls being consumed by the Dovahkiin as he slays creature after creature would be used to charge up one massive shout, capable of killing a dragon instantly but with a long recharge. This would surely make for a truly epic final battle.

But anyway, that's just my idea for how the theme should be implemented within the world, and it would be awesome for it to finally have a place and an explanation in the lore. But it's obviously too late for anything like this now, I just thought I'd share. I recently played 'From Dust' and I really loved the way the villagers ward off water and fire through the use of drums, so there's my excuse for posting this :)
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:04 am

Ocarina of Time, anyone? :P
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liz barnes
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