» Sat May 28, 2011 2:08 pm
Suggestion for Setup to Bringing Ancient Egypt to Morrowind
Was it something like this you had on your mind and is it (or some of it) usable ? Critic and comments please. Sorry about the spelling errors.
During the 28th dynasty, with Egypt still recovering from a Persian occupation, a great sundering took place in the realm of the Egyptian gods.
Amun also known as the hidden one, a god of creation and one of the eight members of the Ogdoad. Foresaw the coming of Alexander the great, followed by the ironclad roman legions, and the ineluctable end to Egypt as a great independant nation.
Knowing that the demise of the Egyptian culture and the foreign influence, with the forthcomming influx of their own native gods. Would mean either total assimilation or fading into oblivion, Amun decided to act.
Embittered over his lose of power, position and the defecktion of his wife and sensing that Ra, preoccupied and troubled with the inevitable end of his reign, was severly distacted, he acted swiftly.
Amun gattered a handfull of of the other gods, mostly half forgotten ones or gods with a grude to the Pesedjet. He then sent two of these Kephri and Montu, both former sungods out to steal the remnants off the egg Ra originally hatched from. Kephri - who had lost much of himself to Ra - had also gained knowledge under the merging and thus were able to locate and gather the egg, while Montu - a former wargod and adopted son of Amun -dealt with the guardians.
With the aid of Seths caothic powers, Kephris power of rebirth, renewal and resurrection and his own powers of creation and taking full advantage of both his and Seths unique position in the realm of the Egyptians gods. Amun then mended and created a new world within the egg, a NEW EGYPT as he aptly named it, then he his fellow renegade gods and their followers went into the egg.
Seth stayed behind though, his motive to help has not been to escape but to loose a rival. In exchange for Seths help, Amun had to take Apep with him into the egg.....
But dire times awaited the pesedjet, the conquest of Egypt and the enforced introduction of the hellenistic and roman pantheons strained and curtailed the powers of the gods so much that when christianity came to rise. Once powerfull gods like Ra, Maat and Isis faced the fate of faling into nonexsistence.
It was then that Seth approached the other remaining gods and unveiled his role in Amuns and his followers retreat, putting old grudge aside he offered to open up the egg once more, giving the gods an escape route. The exiguous world within the egg- NEW EGYPT, would be their exile, biding their time untill the earth once more would welcome the guideance of the Egyptian gods. At first Ra and Isis mistrusted Seth, especially Isis was vehement in her resistance to the plan.
She clamped on to the reality of earth with a desperate intensity, and her strong opposition made the gods hesitate a little while.
Then with the enforced christianitation in the 4th century and final closing of their last temples under Emperor Justinian in AD 553. Isis had no choise anymore, she and the other remnants of the Egypthian pantheon yielded much of their remaining power to Seth, so he could once more create a pathway into the egg. And so in the 6th century AD a great exodus took place. The gods of ancient egypt wandered the realm of earth no more..
Needless to say, Amun was not a happy god when his former rivals and usurpers suddenly appeared in his little pocket universe. But in here He was the dominant allmost omnipotent god, this realm was an inseparable part of him and his will was therefore supreme. The new arrivals had to adjust accordingly, so a new hierarchy was formed. The Egyptian gods existed in relatively harmony and co- existance for nearly two thousand years.
Now Amun is dying and with his eminent demise the borders of his reralm has collapsed, enableing pathways into other minor realms, refugiums for other ancient gods, now treathened by the unstabillity of NEW EGYPT. Something has to be done an allthough Amun feels the full weight of the two Millennia that has gone since he created this haven, he has no intention of leaving his followers to face certain doom, but who can he trust ? His realm is under assail and petty rivalry has once again arised by the gods .He needs an outsider, a champion he can be sure not is corrupted by his enemies Therefore you are summoned( or created)....
OK. thats my suggestion for a setup, next entry - should you be interested will be a suggestion for a main quest,. Comments would be very velcomed.