I like the addition of fast travel - you don't have to use it if you don't want to, and it has on occasion helped me out of some binds. Like when I land myself in the middle of a crevice and can't crawl my way out.
That's one of Morrowinds charms, or pitfalls, depending upon who you ask. The game doesn't hold it's punches, and the hardest time you'll ever have is trying to establish your character in the first dozen hours - when almost anything can and will kill you. It's a very fun game, and my all time favorite in the series. However, that doesn't mean that Morrowind did everything right. The combat was atrocious, and sometimes the 'no hand holding' aspect could be taken too far. I still don't know how to craft a potion in Morrowind, in spite of owning the guide and several manuals for the game.
Atrocious combat is about right. Regular weapons? Useless. Magic? Also pretty useless, without gaming the system (drain health + weakness to magicka, anyone). Only way to kill anything in a reasonable amount of time was to use an enchanted weapon.
You can craft potions by using your alchemical equipment, IIRC. Gotta find yourself a Mortar & Pestle and use that. Calcinators, Alembics and Retorts are additional pieces that buff your pots.
Cool, play morrowwind then. All the "hardcoe" tes fans will love the thought of it. They would also love the thought of a girl speaking to them.
Hey now... I consider myself a relatively hardcoe TES fan, having cut my teeth on Arena way back in the day, and having loved every TES game ever made. Sure, I went through a socially awkward period, but didn't everyone? These days I don't think it'd be even uncommon - not to mention rare, epic or legendary - to find a hardcoe fan who has a partner and tells her (or him) to buzz off so the gamer can play more Skyrim.
Bye, dear - see you in approximately 6 months!