Bringing back some morrowwind

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:50 am

remember searching tracts of land four hours looking for a tomb, only to find it by a rock you passed 32 times, and the relief in doing so? remember searching every room of a building for the right person to a quest? actually looking for the right quest character, not being led to them by a glowing trail or floating arrow? or quests that gave "turn right at the big rock directions"?
its easy to bring it back, just make sure you always keep your quest map markers off. navigate using map alone (i cant believe they added clairvoyance) . and don't fast travel.

guaranteed to add fun, life, and longevity to your gaming experience

also, this is not a rant on skyrim, im glad i have these options implemented better than they were in oblivion.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:33 am

Have you disabled quest markers? That might be what you're after.

Lol you've edited your post so mine doesn't make much sense now. :) Play how you want, and others can do the same - that's the great thing about this game - you don't have to wander about for hours looking for a cave unless you want to. Some people don't have the time for that playstyle, or else just don't find it fun. I'm glad everyone has the option to play how they want this time round. :celebration:
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Saul C
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:05 am

Oh the memories D:

On the other hand clairvoyance is a pile of dung, it has no actual place in the game whatsoever.
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:34 pm

It's not that easy, in Morrowind you were given directions to follow eg go west out of the village past the bridge, follow the path past the old fort and turn right at the cross roads, directly on the left there should be an entrance..... now all you are given is an arrow to follow so turning markers off can make things more awkward.

I have turned them off in the ini.file but without directions find it hard not to resort back to quest markers from time to time
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:01 pm

It's not that easy, in Morrowind you were given directions to follow eg go west out of the village past the bridge, follow the path past the old fort and turn right at the cross roads, directly on the left there should be an entrance..... now all you are given is an arrow to follow so turning markers off can make things more awkward.

I have turned them off in the ini.file but without directions find it hard not to resort back to quest markers from time to time

In 90% of cases, they show where around the map your goal is. The only thing the markers are needed is when you want to quickly find a NPC in town. Other than that, I had 0 problems with finding stuff and I NEVER have markers turned on.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:21 pm

I'm kicking off a Morrowind with the Graphics and Sound Overhaul after i've clocked approx 300 hours in on Skyrim (somehow have only completed 3 Main Quests so far, in 112 hours.. yikes. haha).

You reckon it will be very jarring going from Skyrim to Morrowind?

I'm big on Lore/Books etc, so reading aint no 'thang to me.. Baldurs Gate etc were my bread and butter :).
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louise tagg
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:38 am

I like the addition of fast travel - you don't have to use it if you don't want to, and it has on occasion helped me out of some binds. Like when I land myself in the middle of a crevice and can't crawl my way out.

That's one of Morrowinds charms, or pitfalls, depending upon who you ask. The game doesn't hold it's punches, and the hardest time you'll ever have is trying to establish your character in the first dozen hours - when almost anything can and will kill you. It's a very fun game, and my all time favorite in the series. However, that doesn't mean that Morrowind did everything right. The combat was atrocious, and sometimes the 'no hand holding' aspect could be taken too far. I still don't know how to craft a potion in Morrowind, in spite of owning the guide and several manuals for the game.

Atrocious combat is about right. Regular weapons? Useless. Magic? Also pretty useless, without gaming the system (drain health + weakness to magicka, anyone). Only way to kill anything in a reasonable amount of time was to use an enchanted weapon.

You can craft potions by using your alchemical equipment, IIRC. Gotta find yourself a Mortar & Pestle and use that. Calcinators, Alembics and Retorts are additional pieces that buff your pots.

Cool, play morrowwind then. All the "hardcoe" tes fans will love the thought of it. They would also love the thought of a girl speaking to them.

Hey now... I consider myself a relatively hardcoe TES fan, having cut my teeth on Arena way back in the day, and having loved every TES game ever made. Sure, I went through a socially awkward period, but didn't everyone? These days I don't think it'd be even uncommon - not to mention rare, epic or legendary - to find a hardcoe fan who has a partner and tells her (or him) to buzz off so the gamer can play more Skyrim.

Bye, dear - see you in approximately 6 months!
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:05 pm

the most annoying part of Morrowind was being lost in the game world and just being told it's out north somewhere. It makes for a tedious game, sure exploring is all good and fun but when you're trying to do a quest I hated not knowing exactly where I was supposed to be going when I needed to, then when you finally found what you needed guess what have to trudge all the way back to the person
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:15 am

Maybe someone will make a Morrowind mod for Skyrim once the CS is out? imagine the possibilites!

Or even better, keep Skyrim as it is and recreate the morrowind island so you can go there from skyrim!
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:02 am

remember searching tracts of land four hours looking for a tomb, only to find it by a rock you passed 32 times, and the relief in doing so? remember searching every room of a building for the right person to a quest? actually looking for the right quest character, not being led to them by a glowing trail or floating arrow? or quests that gave "turn right at the big rock directions"?
its easy to bring it back, just make sure you always keep your quest map markers off. navigate using map alone (i cant believe they added clairvoyance) . and don't fast travel.

guaranteed to add fun, life, and longevity to your gaming experience

also, this is not a rant on skyrim, im glad i have these options implemented better than they were in oblivion.

My Nostalgia is still reserved for Daggerfall.
You think it was hard finding places in Morrowind... Daggerfall was freakin` HUGE. Trying to find places in that game was a total nightmare. That said, i would love Skyrim plonked into a game world that size :hubbahubba:
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Felix Walde
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:14 pm

I disabled the entire Compass. The game became much better.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:21 pm

I do remember all that, and it was a lot of fun. But I'm a lot older now, I have a job and responsibilities and no longer have the time to be running around a cave looking for some tricket for 2 hours. I'm not a kid anymore with unlimited time on my hands, I'll keep fast travel and quest markers. Hell, mark and recall pretty much was fast travel and you could do it with 300lbs more gear than you could carry and teleport right into town stuffed with loot.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:58 am

Yes I remember getting absolutely frustrated in morrowind to the point I had to turn the game off. Don't get me wrong I loved morrowind but it got a lot of complaints because of things like hard to find quest objectives
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:35 am

Without quest markers most of the Miscellenaous quests are impossible to complete, especially if it only says "Find random sword for random person". The map markers would point you to the cave where you can find it, but without them you would never-ever find out where the hell is that sword.
I played with quest markers off for a while, but this example is why i won't do it anymore... I want to do quests and not run around hours randomly to try to find something.

I still don't use the floating markers and i always disable any markers AFTER i memorized which cave/tomb should i go to.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:36 am

the most annoying part of Morrowind was being lost in the game world and just being told it's out north somewhere. It makes for a tedious game, sure exploring is all good and fun but when you're trying to do a quest I hated not knowing exactly where I was supposed to be going when I needed to, then when you finally found what you needed guess what have to trudge all the way back to the person

I guess different people see the same things in different ways, to me, getting lost wasn't a barrier to gameplay, it WAS the gameplay.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:28 am

It's not that easy, in Morrowind you were given directions to follow eg go west out of the village past the bridge, follow the path past the old fort and turn right at the cross roads, directly on the left there should be an entrance..... now all you are given is an arrow to follow so turning markers off can make things more awkward.

I have turned them off in the ini.file but without directions find it hard not to resort back to quest markers from time to time

Some quests tells you where to go but since they made the game with questmarkers (reason why unknown), most of the quests rely that you use questmarkers. But i turned them off anyways, if i should fail to find it. I have my Skyrim Official Game Guide i got for preordering the game. Its that Google Map mentality or GPS if you like. I liked it better when i had to pull out my map to see where the heck is Kvatch??? I love to explore. Its why such a big gameworld is interesting. If you follow a marker, you probably gonna miss alot of interesting stuff.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:13 am

I also remember atrocious fighting and magic. Also, lifeless NPCs, and them never saying a word, except greetings of hello and goodbye, when theres novels worth of dialogue to be said.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:27 pm

Remember the good ol' days of have to read and re-read you're journal just to jog your memory about what you are supposed to be doing for a quest? I very much miss the journal...
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:15 am

the most annoying part of Morrowind was being lost in the game world and just being told it's out north somewhere. It makes for a tedious game, sure exploring is all good and fun but when you're trying to do a quest I hated not knowing exactly where I was supposed to be going when I needed to, then when you finally found what you needed guess what have to trudge all the way back to the person

Thats one of the big things that makes Morrowind for me.. I don't want some omniscient presence to hold my hand through the entire game..

And Morrowind had the benefit of a paper map that.. you know.. was useful.
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