I didn't play Morrowind, so I'm not entirely sure what they mean when they say "Morrowind adventure style"
Although, from what I've read, it means stuff along the lines of going around things instead of through or over them, like you could in Oblivion. And also that's it's going to make it even better.
So, care to fill me in?
And before you ask, I can't remember who said this or what the source is.
What platform do you play on?....if you have PC or xbox 360.may i suggest you try and get a copy of morrowind. You could find out yourself,it really is great game. It's what got me into the elder scrolls...i'd never played a game that had such an impact as morrowind did, though i will state i love oblivion as much,it's just morrowind was the first game for me. It means just that little bit more because of that,if that makes sense.

It's hard to describe everything good about morrowind,some may have diifferent opinions on that. We could be here all night/or all week if we really said everything. I would really recommend buying it,if you have the money and platform to do so....you could get one from play.com or amazon. I payed £ 28.00 for my copy ( xbox version )....glad i did so too. I'll try and list a few things,it's impossible to say everything/or at least remember everything.
1: Game world ( even though smaller than oblivion ) felt bigger to me. Not just because of the fast travel,but mainly because of the world design. To me the world design /how it's layed out ,is key to how big a world can feel.
2: It seemed to have more lore to it.....some great books

3: It's theme/setting,was darker,wierder,unique. I thought the setting was great ,it just seemed to fit.
4: Open cities and towns etc,fishing villages on the waters edge...it just seemed better.
5: It also seemed it had alot more places to explore,or get lost in,both on land and in water. I thought the water looked great at the time,and it was clearer underwater than oblivion was.
6: I thought the choice of clothes and armour were better. Even more so with the expansions.
7: It had werewolves ( bloodmoon expansion needed )
There is so much to mention. If you can afford or have the platform...buy it.
Others will tell you more or add their opinion. I'm playing it again at the moment,then i'll move to oblivion again.
One or two more things while i remember.
1: Fast travel. Yes morrowind had fast travel,but it was better thought out than in oblivion in my opinion. I'll explain why..i do not want a debate about it,it's just my view..ok!: In morrowind you had: Siltstriders,mage teleportation,mark/recall spells,divine intervension spells and boats.
To me i felt more immersive/realistic,it felt more thought out. Also there was no map marker like in oblivion. I mention this because it goes hand in hand with the experience of traveling/fast travel. At times it was frustrating getting lost trying to find something,but at the same time,was more fun too. It made you appreciate the world design more. When you eventually found what you was looking for,there was a sense of more achievement for doing so. It also allowed you to get distracted by other places on the way,encouraging exploring. It was a way better system.NPC's would give general directions,the rest was up to you,this to me was far more involving and rewarding at the same time. Even when you rested in the wilderness you rest could get interrupted,it was great.
In oblivion i was just a one button travel system with no thought in my view.There was no interruption or anything to indicate what happened on your way there,it just wasn't the same. Without the "one button" fast travel of oblivion and the easy markers,they game would be way better.
To those that say don't use it...well,i don't agree with that,the temptation is always there. That temptation was not there like that in morrowind,and it made for a better overall experience. Most people who like fast travel the way it is now,probably started with oblivion...and trust me.if it was the other way around,you'd agrre with me ( most would anyway ).
2: It also had nice little touches,that i don't remember being in oblivion. Like collecting candles and lanterns....they would give off their own light source,be it green,blue,yellow,orange,red,white...it was a great touch.
3: There was more of a reason to explore water too.
I'll stop for now,but i can understand why alot of people refer to morrowind for many things,especially if you played it first,before oblivion.
But as i've said,oblivion is as good for it's own reasons...sorry to have babbled on,just trying to explain about morrowind after all. :thumbsup: