From what we've read and seen ,we know skyrim as it's own flavour. But we'll see things/or the better things from oblivion and morrowind. To me the graphics/art looks a hell of alot like morrowind in style. It doesn't look as oil-painty ( if that makes sense ). It look more real,serious,gritty, get the idea.

Open towns,fishing villages on the shores etc...oblivion lacked that,even in anvil. I'm really liking what i've seen of skyrim so far,and i think it will only get better. It seems both morrowind and oblivion fans will be happy. Oblivion was..sorry...stil is a good game. It doesn't deserve the bashing it gets. Some things are understandable,but remember i think they did what they did for many reasons. One reason that stands out to me is "interest" in the elder scrolls world. Bethesda reached a wider audience because of oblivion,it put them well and truly on the map. Now they have achieved this,they can now do go back ( to what some people say ) to the classic morrowind feel etc. They have now got the audience,the interest in skyrim shows that...infact it more than shows it,it slaps you in the face. Skyrim will be huge,and i'm really exited about it. We don't even know a quarter of whats in the game yet,and it still looks pleasing. Every bit of new info gets better for good as some other games are,and how strong this year is game-wise,i really can't see a game come close to skyrim,with everything thats in it and how much it lets you do...and we only know the tip of the ice-berg.....i'll stop now,i'm dribbling on my keyboard. :thumbsup: