While all you could do in Crysis 1 movement wise was jumping and running, Crysis 2 offers a bigger palette of movement options. Sliding, Ledgegrabbing etc. Things I really love (in fact, I do parcour by myself), and things that really helped Crysis 2 getting out of the horizontal layer of the game, and getting to a more vertical one (admit it, Skyline was the best map in MP, it was small, but the biggest regarding the verticality). If they'd just clean it up more, and add an option to commit these moves manually, it would be perfect.
This is a good point, they did add some ok things to the movement...the sliding was neat even though a little cheesy (and stolen exactly from Mirriors Edge)...same with ledge grabbing. Some of the animations were ok but they also took out lean, prone, Speed ability and cool animations like picking up ammo...damn, I hate just running over an image of bullets and magically have ammo.
Anyway, they did try to do different things but they also tripped out some core badass ****. If they would've left those alone and added the new stuff, I would have no complaints.

The ledge grabbing was definitely an improvement, but Crytek should continue to advance the feature by making the player have to manually press a button to ledge grab.
Crytek enhanced player mobility when it came to pacing with the sliding and ledge grabbing, but left out the more strategic moves like lean and proning. I feel like this negatively impacted the gameplay to a large degree, even though Crysis Wars could have a much faster pace in the arena type aim-map's.
Part of pacing is that the player needs fast firefights with a rest period in between, and Crysis 2 did not accomplish this very well; only allowing for a consistently fast pacing. Crysis had an extremely fast pacing under certain situations, but it allowed for a rest period in between firefights or to slow things down with prone and lean functions.
One could choose between the extremely fast pace of arena type TDM matches in Crysis, or the expansive slower pace of Power Struggle. Under Crysis 2, you only had the choice of the arena type matches and this negatively effected the multiplayer.
It is the feeling of
choice which makes Crysis feel like such a superior multiplayer experience over Crysis 2. Crysis 2 is in many ways a locked down experience which demands how the gamer plays the game. Crysis 1 gave the gamer several assets and opportunities, and left the rest to the gamer's creative minds.