Bringing the Franchise Back to its Glory Days

Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:48 am

For whatever reason, Crytek still has yet to make a functional website... Some of you may know me as Talon95, instead it's only letting me show this gay ass other name I used for Crysis 1 like god knows how long ago.

Anyway, many of you may be asking, what does Crytek need to do for Crysis 3? What the hell needs saving!? And I'll be the first to tell you, that Crysis 3 already sounds like it's in dire need of help. From people I know, all I have heard about the announcement of Crysis 3 and what has already been detailed (albeit little) was enough to leave almost everyone that played previous Crytek games with a sour taste in their mouth.

As for credibility, I've played Crytek games since their first release with Far Cry.

First, there are some things that Crysis 2 did correctly:

Oh wait, nevermind. I'll be honest, I can't think of any. I do remember that in Crysis 2, Crytek's ultimate strength was with the overall feeling of the singleplayer.

The dire mistakes of Crysis 2:

1. The story was absolutely forgettable. Crysis 1 left a lot to continue off of with an extremely exciting story that called for epic proportions, but if anything Crysis 2 went in the opposite direction. Prophet kills himself within 30 seconds of the game, Nomad is dead and Psycho is MIA. The story does an extremely bad job of explaining what happened to Nomad and Psycho, in fact, you had to read a comic series to understand any of it. That is one of the many exemplary situations where Richard Morgan with his story line just absolutely fell apart.

Additionally, the story did a very bad job at explaining differences between the aliens, why the fight was being taken to NYC, or anything at all really. It was almost as if playing the prequel to Crysis 2 was a handicap, and not a requirement like many games are. I found myself screaming at my monitor throughout many points of the campaign due to the horrible storyline. I was ready to send 300 nukes through NYC and head back to tropical North Korea islands within the first few hours of gameplay.

2. Silent Protagonists

It works in some games, it works in Half Life, but it certainly did not work in Crysis 2. Alcatraz was as forgettable a character as they come. In fact, he could have been called Nomad and nobody would have noticed the difference. The explanation for his silence was poorly executed and overall, silent protagonists do not work well in a situation where I literally cannot make Yes or No decisions. It feels like my hand is being forced when my character is just silent and I have a bunch of other characters ordering me around like puppetmasters.

3. Leveldesign

The leveldesign in the singleplayer was very choppy. The one level directly after the boss fight in central station was FANTASTIC. For the most part though, the level design was exceedingly linear and offered too few strategic moves. The supposed "vertacality" in Crysis 2 did not nearly make up for the horizontal freedom that Crysis 1 and Warhead offered.

4. AI

The AI was horrendous, certainly not AAA quality. Cevat bragged about the AI being exceedingly smart in interviews but on game release, I saw some of the buggiest AI ever. The AI was stupid, and buggy, to put it bluntly. Anyone that played the SP experienced the horrible AI so I don't really feel the need to go over it.

5. Boss fights

Make the boss fights more memorable. I still have the giant Alien War Ship boss battle at the end of Crysis 1 burned into my memory, the sight of TAC-nukes and other massive scale warfare helped this. The Crysis 2 boss battles were designed for simpletons to beat, and the final boss battle felt like it was literally thrown together in 5 minutes... Anyone could have beaten that one with a blindfold around their head.

6. Multiplayer.

The multiplayer had so many problems but I'm just lumping it all into one little set. First off, the root of the problem with the multiplayer can be directly set on Crytek UK. Why? They had no PC experience going into Crysis 2, they are infamous for buggy products (Haze), and they did not do their proper research on Crysis 1 Multiplayer.

Crysis 2's Multiplayer seemed to be directly ripped out of Call of Duty's playbook. Modules (perks), Nanosuit Reset (Prestige), and the whole gamut of dogtags, skins, emblems, and especially the arena style gamemodes and levels to go with it.

A suggestion: Add versatility to the Multiplayer! You will not beat Call of Duty by copying it. A solid gameplay experience far outweighs the shinyness of a new emblem or weapon skin. Additionally, bring back POWER STRUGGLE! Crysis 2 had a severe lack of this gamemode that made it unenjoyable to even start the multiplayer without it. Add Powerstruggle, add vehicles (tanks heli's aircraft, the whole nine yards). Along with Powerstruggle comes high playercounts, and open maps! Far and away the most popular map in the Crysis franchise is Mesa. See what you did right on that map and expand upon it in Crysis 3 with an urban setting. Powerstruggle is still a gamemode in great demand, it is quite unique and will appeal to veterans and players looking for a change of pace.

The Multiplayer needs a higher skill ceiling. It does not necessarily have to be as high as Crysis 1's was, it was ridiculous in that game. But a high skill ceiling in general will be beneficial since long-time players will be able to gain substantial amounts of skill, this is a very rewarding type gameplay where your time invested might not mean a higher rank, but you will definitely be the player of the game, and the focus of the match.

A remodeling of the multiplayer means a remodeling of the Nanosuit 2. Please bring it back in line with the Nanosuit 1, and that includes the mouse-wheel for PC.


I'm sure I missed out on many things, but feel free to add suggestions. With the announcement of Crysis 3... I'm already hearing about modules, skins, and all this other fluffy jazz. My hopes are not high at all, Crysis 2 was a HUGE disappointment, and Crytek's biggest blunder since their studio opened doors.



Crytek needs to get their act together and return to their roots in a philosophical sense with Crysis 3. It's a longshot, but it's needed.

Especially with this extremely short development cycle (it's barely even 2 years), great changes are unlikely to be made and it'll be more in line with a Crysis 2.5... But one can put a dim hope on this franchise turning around.

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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:14 pm

LOL you could just save your time and say that the whole game svcks.I personally LOVE Crysis 2 as it is,yes it has some problems but for me its just with things in MP,i absolutely loved the campaign and everything and i cant wait for Crysis 3 to be either better or the same.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:21 pm

The campaign was by no means bad, I just feel like it did not live up to the expectations set by EA's advertising and the execution of Crysis 1. It was good for an average game but it did not hold up to the Crysis franchise tag...

Multiplayer on the other hand, is an entire different animal.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:41 am

The campaign was by no means bad, I just feel like it did not live up to the expectations set by EA's advertising and the execution of Crysis 1. It was good for an average game but it did not hold up to the Crysis franchise tag...

Multiplayer on the other hand, is an entire different animal.

Yeah they are just different opinions for me Crysis 2 presented an entirely different aspect to the franchise the game feels faster,more agile same thing,more intense (especially in Post human warrior) and more but yeah no game is perfect i just hope that some mistakes in Crysis 2 are solved in Crysis 3.

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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:10 pm

The campaign was by no means bad, I just feel like it did not live up to the expectations set by EA's advertising and the execution of Crysis 1. It was good for an average game but it did not hold up to the Crysis franchise tag...

Multiplayer on the other hand, is an entire different animal.

Yeah they are just different opinions for me Crysis 2 presented an entirely different aspect to the franchise the game feels faster,more agile same thing,intensive (especially in Post human warrior) and more but yeah no game is perfect i just hope that some mistakes in Crysis 2 are solved in Crysis 3.

If you could use the original Nanosuit to it's full extense with circle and strafe jumping, it was MUCH more agile and provided for much more intense battles than the Nanosuit 2 did.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:49 pm

The campaign was by no means bad, I just feel like it did not live up to the expectations set by EA's advertising and the execution of Crysis 1. It was good for an average game but it did not hold up to the Crysis franchise tag...

Multiplayer on the other hand, is an entire different animal.

Yeah they are just different opinions for me Crysis 2 presented an entirely different aspect to the franchise the game feels faster,more agile same thing,intensive (especially in Post human warrior) and more but yeah no game is perfect i just hope that some mistakes in Crysis 2 are solved in Crysis 3.

If you could use the original Nanosuit to it's full extense with circle and strafe jumping, it was MUCH more agile and provided for much more intense battles than the Nanosuit 2 did.

You cant compare the battles that you have in Crysis 2 multiplayer with the battles in Crysis Wars for example,Crysis 2 its WAAAY faster and intense.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:50 pm


I beg to differ! Again, learn to circle strafe and strafe jump with the Nanosuit and Crysis Wars is by far outpacing Crysis 2 in terms of speed and intense battles.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:40 pm


I beg to differ! Again, learn to circle strafe and strafe jump with the Nanosuit and Crysis Wars is by far outpacing Crysis 2 in terms of speed and intense battles.

Whatever xD i do not agree but its cool.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:09 pm


I beg to differ! Again, learn to circle strafe and strafe jump with the Nanosuit and Crysis Wars is by far outpacing Crysis 2 in terms of speed and intense battles.

Whatever xD i do not agree but its cool.

It is just a part of the Crysis Wars skill ceiling, the game is slow if you don't learn to fully utilize the nanosuit.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:50 pm


I beg to differ! Again, learn to circle strafe and strafe jump with the Nanosuit and Crysis Wars is by far outpacing Crysis 2 in terms of speed and intense battles.

Whatever xD i do not agree but its cool.

It is just a part of the Crysis Wars skill ceiling, the game is slow if you don't learn to fully utilize the nanosuit.

I do know how to,it feels different for me thats all.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:39 pm

Ahhh, alright I gotcha.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:30 pm

Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 both have really good but different features but also not-so-good ones; I hope Crysis 3 brings the best of both worlds

Also, I stated this on another thread but it's worth mentioning it here too,
Please remove the "instant suit mode buttons" (like E for stealth, Q for amour)and force players to use the little selection wheel like in the first game. The wheel takes a lot more skill to use
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:51 am

+ 1 for the circle jump and strafe. While your at it the wall jump from Crysis was a good skill to have.
For me the original Crysis MP with new maps and built on CryEngine 3 would be the goods.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:18 pm


I beg to differ! Again, learn to circle strafe and strafe jump with the Nanosuit and Crysis Wars is by far outpacing Crysis 2 in terms of speed and intense battles.

Lol i didnt know crysis had strafe/circle jump, this is just priceless information.

What is this, CE is based on IDtech family or what :,D ?

That indeed adds to the skill part but i dont think its that horribly demanding trick (seeing as you cant do constant strafe jump and you dont have to master jumping due to non-chalenging enviroment unlike quake series)

TBH, they must include it in C3, thats gonna make me buy it for PC.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:23 am

Strafe jumping? Jumping around corners sounds kinda silly to me... How about moar parkour?

Anyways, TL;DR version of my opinion:

--/ The recipe for success - Crysis 3 \--
1. Take a bowl.
2. Put 50g of brand new C1 sand gravy in the bowl.
3. Mix it with 50g of compressed and filtered C2 fun-gravy.
4. Add some new random gravy contents and a few pieces of exotic gums (or flamearms, as some call them).
5. Profit! Serve hot with a cup of modified tea.

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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:47 am

The franchise can return to its glory days if Crytek UK and Nathan (the executive producer of Crysis 2) are not at all involved in the development.

I am still going to support Crytek (better than support epic Dbag cliffy b)
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:10 am

Strafe jumping? Jumping around corners sounds kinda silly to me... How about moar parkour?

Anyways, TL;DR version of my opinion:

--/ The recipe for success - Crysis 3 \--
1. Take a bowl.
2. Put 50g of brand new C1 sand gravy in the bowl.
3. Mix it with 50g of compressed and filtered C2 fun-gravy.
4. Add some new random gravy contents and a few pieces of exotic gums (or flamearms, as some call them).
5. Profit! Serve hot with a cup of modified tea.


It is not jumping around corners. Please watch the video or at least part of it, and you'll see exactly how it works. In fact, in Crysis 1 the wall/strafe/circle jumping tricks allow for a huge amount of parkour, way more than allowed in Crysis 2.

@ The Wonder Boy: Yeah, the mechanics of the jumps in the original Nanosuit is very similar to the Quake jumps. It's a shame that the Nanosuit 2 was "enhanced" to not allow for any of these tricks, which really improved the gameplay.

@ Emperor: I agree completely. Crytek UK must not touch Crysis 3 in any way at all.
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Heather Kush
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:37 am

Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 both have really good but different features but also not-so-good ones; I hope Crysis 3 brings the best of both worlds

Also, I stated this on another thread but it's worth mentioning it here too,
Please remove the "instant suit mode buttons" (like E for stealth, Q for amour)and force players to use the little selection wheel like in the first game. The wheel takes a lot more skill to use

Well i prefer the instant suit mode buttons A LOT more that the wheel.Its waaay more confortable.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:57 pm

Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 both have really good but different features but also not-so-good ones; I hope Crysis 3 brings the best of both worlds

Also, I stated this on another thread but it's worth mentioning it here too,
Please remove the "instant suit mode buttons" (like E for stealth, Q for amour)and force players to use the little selection wheel like in the first game. The wheel takes a lot more skill to use

Well i prefer the instant suit mode buttons A LOT more that the wheel.Its waaay more confortable.

There were suit mode hotkeys in Crysis 1, but I do think that the suit wheel is easier to use than the keyboard. Maybe it is because I'm used to it...

At any rate, I think it would be great if they gave both suit mode buttons and the mouse wheel radial in the multiplayer of Crysis 3, because it really helped to make Crysis 2 Multiplayer lacking for the franchise veterans.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:33 pm

I agree with you Talon - I too cannot use my real username "DualFever" so I've had to use this DualFeverr as close as I could get.

I agree with your whole first post.
Although I do believe they brought a nice fluidness into Crysis 2 with grabbing the edge of buildings and sliding, these look and feel good; cinematic almost.

Agree with the skill aswell, anyone that played C1 would know only skilled players should win. Thats how a game should be IMO.

To the mouse wheel / button I would say I used the mouse wheel the whole time and it has its advantages/disadvantages. Firstly its not instant, this is can be advantageous.
If you have just clicked down onto the middle button and the situation has changed(as it can very quickly) you can release on another icon(suit mode), whilst still using your keyboard to dodge etc.

Not to hijack your thread Talon but I posted a few things from C1 that were not in C2, that I felt were things that actually made C2 worse.
Return these from Crysis Wars then I'm in...

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Elena Alina
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:12 pm

I agree with you Talon - I too cannot use my real username "DualFever" so I've had to use this DualFeverr as close as I could get.

I agree with your whole first post.
Although I do believe they brought a nice fluidness into Crysis 2 with grabbing the edge of buildings and sliding, these look and feel good; cinematic almost.

Agree with the skill aswell, anyone that played C1 would know only skilled players should win. Thats how a game should be IMO.

To the mouse wheel / button I would say I used the mouse wheel the whole time and it has its advantages/disadvantages. Firstly its not instant, this is can be advantageous.
If you have just clicked down onto the middle button and the situation has changed(as it can very quickly) you can release on another icon(suit mode), whilst still using your keyboard to dodge etc.

Not to hijack your thread Talon but I posted a few things from C1 that were not in C2, that I felt were things that actually made C2 worse.
Return these from Crysis Wars then I'm in...


Well, I do agree with all of the suggestions in your thread, I definitely missed some in mine. There's really no such thing as hijacking a thread as long as it isn't outright trolling, added suggestions and feedback is always appreciated. The more places Crytek sees it, the more likely it will happen.

Prone and sprint without draining suit energy is a MUST!

I don't mind the parkour function in Crysis 2, in fact I do like it. However I think that it should be evolved slightly, make it so that it isn't automatic and you must press a key to grab onto the ledge. Otherwise you start grabbing ledges when you don't want to.

An advanced parkour function along with the trick jumping would really advance the movement fluidity in Crysis 3 to something out of this world.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:38 pm

Great suggestion there. Pressing a key to grab a ledge would seem about right. An extra tap on the spacebar maybe who knows.

Good to hear your in for the prone and sprint without suit drain. I don't need nanosuit energy to sprint in real life, I can't see why its needs to be used in game. Especially when the original nanosuit didn't use energy.
Thinking about it maybe someone should create a thread of "suggestions, ideas etc for crysis 3" it should then be stickied and all the smaller threads with suggestions (like this) linked into it.

Constructive criticism should be useful to Crytek. Suggestion and Ideas should be even better.

The parkour function would be cool, aslong as it didn't lock me in for some long animation sequences, or aslong it's ones that could easily be broken, so it doesn't impede movement or player control I would like this feature.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:18 pm

Great suggestion there. Pressing a key to grab a ledge would seem about right. An extra tap on the spacebar maybe who knows.

Good to hear your in for the prone and sprint without suit drain. I don't need nanosuit energy to sprint in real life, I can't see why its needs to be used in game. Especially when the original nanosuit didn't use energy.
Thinking about it maybe someone should create a thread of "suggestions, ideas etc for crysis 3" it should then be stickied and all the smaller threads with suggestions (like this) linked into it.

Constructive criticism should be useful to Crytek. Suggestion and Ideas should be even better.

The parkour function would be cool, aslong as it didn't lock me in for some long animation sequences, or aslong it's ones that could easily be broken, so it doesn't impede movement or player control I would like this feature.

An extra tap on spacebar sounds like it would pretty much perfect the parkour feature, honestly. It was a rather quick and balanced sequence, it had a good risk/reward to it if you get caught climbing.

And yeah, I'm sure that an overall suggestions thread will pop-up rather soon, they always do. I am hoping that Crytek takes criticism and suggestions to good use, although in the past they have almost always failed to do so.

Sprint without suit drain is just a basic thing, really. I think that the Nanosuit should become more in line with the NS1, it was a big step over the NS2 honestly. As for prone, contrary to popular belief it does not increase camping.

Camping is increased with a short TTK, not proning. Prone is an extremely beneficial tool to get under cover of enemy fire and to increase accuracy. It is a strategic asset to help hold down a position for a short period of time and to recover, not camp like some people think.

In fact, there is proof of this. Crysis 1 had prone and the camping situation in Crysis 1 was almost non-existant, thanks to the very high TTK and free, agile like movement of the nanosuit. While still not a problem in Crysis 2, I did notice that the camping was more of a common occurance and that can be linked to Crysis 2's shorter TTK and restricted movement of the nanosuit made it harder to get away from firefights, hence the increased camping.
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:36 pm

I have never played The original Crysis or any other Crysis game besides Crysis 2 for the xbox. Now the campaign was amazing, but the MP on the other hand was tight and boxy for me, the maps felt odd to me...they were to cluttered and not smooth. In MP the gameplay was to jerky for me and oddly put together. Now I play BF3 and the Halo's and some GTA so that may account for why i think the maps were cluttered (in those games, a lot of maps are big, obviously in GTA) but what i think would make MP better for Crysis 3 would be vehicles, and some BF sized maps, along with more fluid movement and some parkour. I mean if your basically a god, then why not feel like one?? Oh, and keep prone out of the picture, maybe a standing to silent crouch to ducking behind cover kind of thing but no prone. I've seen what it did to BF3 and I do not want that happening to Crysis 3.
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Post » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:57 am

I have never played The original Crysis or any other Crysis game besides Crysis 2 for the xbox. Now the campaign was amazing, but the MP on the other hand was tight and boxy for me, the maps felt odd to me...they were to cluttered and not smooth. In MP the gameplay was to jerky for me and oddly put together. Now I play BF3 and the Halo's and some GTA so that may account for why i think the maps were cluttered (in those games, a lot of maps are big, obviously in GTA) but what i think would make MP better for Crysis 3 would be vehicles, and some BF sized maps, along with more fluid movement and some parkour. I mean if your basically a god, then why not feel like one?? Oh, and keep prone out of the picture, maybe a standing to silent crouch to ducking behind cover kind of thing but no prone. I've seen what it did to BF3 and I do not want that happening to Crysis 3.

You have to remember that in BF3, the TTK is extremely low, which promotes camping. In BF2 the prone function works just perfectly because there is a high TTK.

There is an inverse relationship between the TTK and camping, the prone function has little to do with it, it's mostly a scapegoat.

But what you describe gameplay wise is almost directly in line with Crysis 1/Crysis Wars. I suggest you give the multiplayers a try, you might like what you see. ;) They have huge maps, vehicles, the entire deal.

It really is a shame that Crysis 2's multiplayer regressed so much to try and appeal to the Call of Duty type arena crowd, and I am praying that Crysis 3 reverses this trend seen in FPS games nowadays.
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