I'm aware, I just felt it was unnecessary to make that distinction in this thread. After all, I made my response under the impression the OP thought 720p was SD, instead of 480.
But you are correct.
Just got Samsung HDTV! Sorry, @DeathByJerm, but at Best Buy they didn't have the models you showed me. I was gonna get it off the internet, but my dad wanted to go to the store :hehe: Anyway the TV is great except the normal channels are all in Standard Definition because of the cable box we have, so we have to get an HD one. It's funny, seeing Standard Def quality blown up on a big TV- it looks horrible

At least the PS3 is in 1080p because the cable box doesn't affect that!
Should've shopped around! And yeah, some TV's are better than others when it comes to handling SD resolution - some look decent, while others it actually looks worse than it would on a CRT TV. We've actually had a few customers pay over $3000 for a top of the line TV just bring it back because they were running the signal through a coaxial cable, which is made all the more hilarious by the fact they are repeatedly warned that the TV won't look how the displays in the store do without running at least component.
Oh, and what model did you end up getting? And how much was it?
Ive got a 50" panasonic viera GT 3D plasma and its by far the best tv i've ever had. Panasonic's new line of plasmas has the infinite black which is great for video games, even their more basic models look boss. Can get a good 42" for like $700-800
If it's the GT25, then you've got the model a step above mine - very similar picture quality and features, just of course I don't have 3D. They're both amazing TV's, and like you, mine is by far the best I've had as well. And as you said, the deep black level of the panel is great for games, but the 600 Hz from it being a plasma is definitely a plus as well.