I think it is kind of lame that turrets cannot spot enemy Operatives disguised when 1. Operatives have so many counters to taking out turrets seriously. First they have there emp grenades that render them useless making it easy to attack head on especially with your teamates with you. Then they have the ability to sneak up and hack it as well turning it against the user and his team. Do they really need to not be spotted by turrets as well come on now they seem to be getting a little too much love they can do all this and detect the other teams equipment.
Think about it even if they were able to be spotted while disguised by turrets it would still be easy for them to render them useless. 2. All they need to to is flank while disguised and come up from behind in a turrets blind spot still pretty easy.As well as being able to if they want charge it after using an emp grenade and either destroy it or hack it. 3. Not to mention turrets dont have a very crazy range in the first place and they have stated that turrets will be used more as a distraction/ annoyance then actually killing people.
On top of that they have stated that turrets will not be able to track light body types very well making them at an even more disadvantage. So all in all the turrets seem like they are pretty worthless how easily they can be taken out and how ineffective they sound but I guess we will have to wait in see when the game is released.
1.What else can we do? Hack things, disguise and take out turrets.. Annoy people? We're the class that is meant to prod at peoples sides. Relay and spot things. Taking point by taking the side route. We can't place fancy mines, or turrets. Hell if you're a engineer sniper, place the turret facing behind you while you snipe forward! Or face the turret out and you facing and scanning behind you with a shottie.
2.If you see a teammate just standing behind you.... glaring at you and your turret waiting for you to turn around.. Well sir this is when you turn the gun to him and light him up! Obviously something is wrong.
Remember, Operatives can't shoot their gun, so if theres the opposing forces pouring in and everyones shooting but you have a teammate behind you slightly just standing there. Obvious operative is obvious
3. They also said smart engineers would place the turret in strategic areas where they could hit the Light Bodies before they can free run/parkour all over the place.
Even better, Operatives can see mines. Heh, and I can sort of see your point. 0_o'
Everyone can see mines, if we stare at it though, it'll mark it on the map for others who don't pay attention.

That is if they notice them and they are not disguised right in the mix of your team getting ready to turn that turret on you guys. The thing I would like to know is if when they are disguised if they can also walk over Eng mines without them going off. If so that is messed up because that would be one of an Eng only defenses to keeping the turrets blind spots covered besides of course them covering it themselves.
You also have to take into consideration how hard it'll be to disguise. This isn't TF2 ya know

We can't disguise randomly. Gotta lure. Pop up on a roof, shoot somebody, then run like a mad man! Get him secluded then whack'm! Then disguise, then! Make it back to the battle area. Teamwork game means you'll rarely see people alone unless nobody wants to defend and only 1 is doing so. You'd have to whipe out 3 or 4 (minimum) just to get privacy.
Operatives are the shy type after all. Can't disguise with ya looking! :blush2:
Sidenote: It's obvious where
SOME mines will be. About as obvious as knowing where a sniper is, so getting to them means looking for the claymore first.
Scenario! You're parked on a high advantage point with your turret mowing things down, you can see everything but only 1 blind spot that the engineer checks regularly and has added protection with his mine. We climb up, our camera lets us see the mine and pulling yourself up would implode you! What're we gonna do? Shoot it? That alerts the engineer. So throw a grenade. Then again everyone can throw grenades!
Just set yourself up so that you're safe, now if you're at a low vantage point then... well yeah. Tu software es mi software.