But seeing how much negativity Brink has recieved. Much of it is un-deserved.
I've read my good share of reviews, and they are so contradicting the game, well not all, but many of them, its as the reviewers only player the first 2 levels and buggered off, or not even play the game.
And I dont know about you, but I have at least noticed, alot of the reviewers blame the game on its multiplayer and AI.
Well the AI is a bit derpy, but and can be too difficult in hard, but i never expected anything much from AI, and beeing insanely difficult on hard is always fun and challanging. (when the bots dosnt become mentall challanged and starts acting wierd making them easy even on hard).
But again. AI is AI, this aint no single player game so who really cares about AI?
Now to the multiplayer aspect, alot of reviewers blame that alot of players svckS. and because the player svcks, and "backstab" you and dont prioritise objective, it ruins the game.
Technically yes, it does ruin the fun of the game, but it dosnt ruin the game itself! Rating down the game due to people playing the game!? It has nothing to do with the game. I call this big load of BS right there.
/end rant.
So to make it up, I want to show my appreciation for this game. I do love this game, it does differ from any other FPS.
it shows that CUSTOMISATION IS FULLY POSSIBLE IN A FPS. SMART movement works like a charm and makes the FPS combat differ from any other FPS.
What they aimed to achieve, be who you want to be, and move the way you want to move, those two points hit the nail.
The game lacks abit content, but again its a multiplayer game, dosn't need to much content, and future DLC is planned.
besides, the game was actually quite cheap for a NEWLY released game when you think about it!
Game deserves far more than it got.
It dosnt deserve top score, there are still loads of imperfections and things that could been better.
But it sure deserves a Good score. not a high score, not medium, now low or a Bad score, but a Good score.
It did what it aimed to do, it has good character design and customisation, most importantly, it Differs from other FPS.
TBH, many games get good rating simply because they got overhyped. just look on COD and MW2. in all respective terms, those game, in the big picture, are bad. especially the multiplayer part.
and we all know, Multiplayer lives longest, and when it comes to multiplayer, this game has it quite well and done effectivly.
I like this game, as it dosnt force you to grind, the levels are easy enough, you got ability create alternative characters and specialise in classes.
You get to the point you want to reach, and then you can fully enjoy the game, and not mindlessly grind your way up to unlock unlock and more unlock.
This game even brings back what Good OL FPS were about. Not grinding, but just playing. For the fun of it. look on counter strike. Its still beeing played massivly as a FPS despite its age. people even play the 1.6 version.
And yet in counter strike, they play on the same maps, over and over and over again, so in all honesty, few maps isnt the problem. Neither is beeing to easy to level.
Why? not because to grind and unlock stuff. but to play and become more skilled. And thats what FPS is truly about. its not a bloody mmorpg in all honesty.
And I can quickly see clanbattles in this game gonna be heck of alot fun.
In all honesty, I think this game came out well. and kinda happy its beeing a "underdog" as it is. medium rating on the game, actually keeps away all the bad mainstream players as i like to call them.
Im happy this game aint mainstream.
Althou i do wish the reviewers could stop dissing this game.
They frigging gave worse game better rating than this, while their obviusly beeing way worse.
Good job Splashdamage and Bethesta! Dont let em pesky reviewers ruin your day.