» Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:43 am
I didn't really read through the comments but I do wanna say, the gameplay gives me the feeling I wanted Invasion in Halo: Reach to give me when I play. (Like when you singlehandly escort the Bot in Container City, you just feel like a complete badass.) It's just too scripted, Invasion's fun because you can do things like in The Spire, you COULD throw the Core down to the bottom, or you can have a friend pop up with the Falcon and ride down to the scoring area like a glorious winged... Falcon demon thing. Or jump down and suicide.
In Brink you have to do a lot of things a certain way, there isn't much variety to it. Sure, you can build some stairs and walk up the back but like... you still have to escort the bot the same way.
All I'm really trying to say is that Brink doesn't deserve a lot of the bad reviews. It's a good game, just needs some tweaking/early DLC.