I don't really see them adding a new map during the beta testing and polishing phase... one new map is one more map they have to test the crap out of... I'm with the general consensus of rather have it at a later date than get it sooner and 'broken'.
I agree that they will most likely will not be adding a new map, but was just a thought. I am leaning more toward a larger array of customization options as being a more likely. The reason is that development companies are realizing how much people enjoy customizing their own personal characters. Having a large customization collection for players to choose from will enhance peoples reason to buy and keep playing.
I am more inclined to the customization possibility due to them hiring artists. If a delay were to occur due to bugs, it is highly unlikely that more artists would be needed.
My other thought that I just realized while typing this is that they could be implementing more league functionality perhaps. While it is not on every players care for list, they may be taking the time they have to implement such features. Like I said earlier, it is better for them to continue to release in their spring time than it would be to release any earlier, as it is an opportune time to take the FPS market by storm. Therefore, if they have solved most of all problems with the base build, then I can see them adding more clan/league functionality to the game in order to gain the interest of those numbers who do look for that kind of thing. It is not every players cup of tea, but either is customization. They are smart developers and know to hit different areas rather than a niche, so instead they cover many niches.
-Team Play Oriented People
-FPS Oriented People
-Interesting Movement Oriented Players
-Story Line Oriented Players
-The New Feeling Oriented Players
-Customization Oriented Players
If you notice, not everyone cares for all of those features. Some could care less for customization in a FPS game, but it does not hurt them and draws in those who do care for it, so they same goes for clan/league functionality. That is actually reaching to the top of my more than likely to be true reason now.