I just want know if medium characters will have good parkour abilitys.
The majority of gameplay videos used to show off SMART have been done with a Medium body.
They seem pretty agile to me.
And your grammar was perfect, only thing you didn't get 100% right in English is that words ending in "y" change to "ies" - it's "abilities" not "abilitys" (I know native English speakers who aren't as good with the language as you)
Medium characters can vault over things, mantle (i.e. jump up and climb onto something), and presumably slide too.
Oh, and obliviondoll he also should have said "I just want
to know..."
What are your plans on balancing the ''noobtube'', since it looked quite powerful in one of the gameplay videos.
As well as not being OHK, there is a time-delay: as far as I can tell from all the videos it does not detonate on impact.
Will there be a spotting mechanism in place so I can point out enemy locations to my teammates?
It's not necessary due to the shorter distances and smaller confines to a Battlefield map, not to mention smaller teams.
I think a couple of people asked, so: There will be customisable dedicated servers with plenty of admin options.
I would answer more questions but I can't pluck up the effort. I think one of the reasons there's been no official reply to the above [yet] is that at least the vast majority of them have already been answered in various, sometimes numerous, places.