1) Will there be any form of splitscreen (co-op, multiplayer, offline, online, guests online)?
2) What is the function of the Greeneye Scope?
3) Can you have both facegear (such as masks) and headgear (such as hats) on at the same time?
4) Will there be any remotely detonated explosives, for example: C4? If so, what class will this be unlocked for and at what level?
EDIT: Never mind, I just took a look at Day 9 for the Brink Ability Preview on Facebook, how ironic.
5) I have seen images of the Sea Eagle* and it looks as though it has an underslung tactical light attached to it, is this the case or is the light a part of the gun itself, and not an attachment at all?
6) Will we be able to attach similar devices (perhaps a laser) to our guns?
7) How deep does the color customization go for your character? For example, could you turn the hat band of "The Jesse" hat, or the "eyes" of the Sloani face mask purple?
8) Are there any other Long Rifles than the Drognav Long Rifle* and the Barrett Long Rifle*?
9) What is the name and characteristics of the machine pistol (other than the Hockler Machine Pistol) that the soldier wields with one hand http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AaqCKZOGrZs#t=3m40s?
10) List of accents please?
11) Will there be a map editor? (I know this one is doubtful but I have to try.)
*I got these names from brink.wikia.com my apologies if these are incorrect.
Thanks in advance!