Ok, I left a question on the Bethesda blog, so I'll quote it and post it here just to be safe;
One thing I'm not getting is that you level up your dude, not your class, and you're expected to change classes on the fly. When you reach level 20 you'll have a character who has 25 perks dedicated to kicking ass as an Engineer, but won't ever change his combat role because he's a really [censored] Medic with only 2 abilities attached to it, so you either stick to your class, or you make every single character an all-rounder, who's not particularly good at any combat role. It defeats the purpose of on-the-fly class switching. Would it not make more sense that every time you level up, you get one point to spend on an ability per-class? Or perhaps you level up classes-per-character, as in you can level each class up with each character.
I added that last sentence in.
Another thing, a lot of people have been asking if you can name your dudes. Can we get a yay or nay?
Lastly, most importantly, Paul Wedgwood and Splash Damage have been pretty damn high up in my "If-I-could-have-one-multiplayer-match-with-whoever-I-wanted" list since Quake Fortress. It would be bloody brilliant if Splammage did a game-with-devs night on Xbox LIVE shortly after release. (preferably a day I'm not working

my GamerTag is THEJORRRG, by the way. Paul, Richard, Neil, Ed, Olivier, Chris, Aubrey, Everyone else, if you're reading this. Just go ahead and err, if you want...ya know...if you're not busy....Add that there GT and I dunno...maybe we'll play Brink some time? Just a suggestion......