1) I am a very dedicated sniper, and from what I've seen/heard, long rifles don't look too promising. Is there really any reason to use them over a fully-auto rifle?
2) How soon, if at all, can I expect post-release DLC? What will it be (weapons, missions, etc?)
3) Can you change ammo types, such as "Incendiary" or "Explosives" (similar to ME)?
4) Will there be a system similar to CoD's "clan tags"?
1. Effective range, MASSIVE per-shot damage in comparison with full-auto weapons - better as a rear-line support weapon, while retaining mid-range functionality (think Battle Rifles).
2. Good question. I'll second asking this.
3. Soldiers can give out armour piercing and incendiaries, supposedly.
4. Another good question - I hope so.