1.) The stats should be IN game. (changing shooters by taking away things is a bad start)
2.) Different Game Modes. FREEPLAY (only two ways to play each map, how about three, or four, or five) The spawns are set well for all the regular game types, TDM, CTF, and so on...
3.) Game mode idea: BOMB THE BASE. Each team has a base close to their spawn and first team to bomb the other guys base wins. Done by placing a charge of course.
4.) Allow multi player challenges to unlock items.
5.) Another Game Mode: TOTAL WAR: Each side has 100 re-spawns play till they're gone, but doing the in game objectives adds reinforcements. ex. 10 for side objectives, 20 for main objectives. *GOOD IDEA!
6.) GIVE US GAME STATS after match.
7.) If no stats, then atleast more awards. ex most buffs, most deaths, headhunter etc.
That's all for now. What do you think? Hopefully it's not just grammarians who tell me funner is not a word.