It's actually just that all the demos so far have been played on PS3, not computer or Xbox
I played it on a PC with a XBox Gamepad.
Can anyone tell me how, or link a guide explaining how, I can connect an xbox 360 controller to my PC? My older brother tried, and we looked up some youtube videos and googled for some guides but didn't come up with anything that worked.
If you're using the wireless version, you need a special hardware which is only included in PC-XBox360-Wireless Controller packs.
If you're using the wired version, you simply plug it into your PC and Windows (Vista & 7) will recognise the Controler. Also every Games-For-Windows Game will recognise the controller and change it's interface accordingly.
These are honestly the only two videos I can find on all of youtube. Apparently everybody was to busy enjoying brink to film it, can't say i blame them.
Afaik, filming the screens was actually not permitted.