Brink is good, but with a few changes, it will be Great.

Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:30 am

Lobbies and Increse of Level cap and More maps is ALL I WANT ITS ALL I NEED TO LIVE AND I WILL MAKE IT THROUGH.......................yay
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:44 pm

But if you think about it in terms of character progression and experience points, wouldn't it be much easier for players to play TDM and just kill for XP, as opposed to having to worry about objectives, planning and strategy in an objective-based mode? XP alone would be a reason why people would lean more towards TDM than the other mode. It would just be plain easier to level up.

Even if some people leaned more towards TDM, that wouldn't eliminate the objective population. A lot of people bought this game because they liked the idea of the objective game types, and those people will most likely stick to those objective gametypes. Long story short, There will always be enough people in objective mode to find a game. There will be plenty.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:38 am

I'm not "Crying foul", I'm just saying that TDM would be a great addition to this game. What exactly is it about adding TDM to Brink that you guys don't want to see, because it seems like everyone is bringing up very vague points?

The major reasons I don't want to see TDM are basically two fold.

#1. I'd rather Splash focus on refining and improving the objective based gameplay. I'd like to see more dynamic objectives added to maps and more uses for each classes special objective powers.

#2. I don't want to see the objective based modes fall into obscurity because TDM was added and 90% of players gravitate there because it's what they're used to from other games. Most people won't chose to learn something new if they're given something else that's familiar.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:54 pm

First, the game just came out. Being upset about a level cap (Bethesda is known for) and things like asking for map packs on day one is ludacris. This game is by far in a catagory by itself and is the first shooter since BC2 that I have honestly enjoyed, to the point where i have decided to become part of its community. You know as well as i do, how bethesda does things, the cap will be raised, but asking for comp leaderboards is the first thing that will ruin the game, who cares about a KDR when the important thing is your Win/Loss. To my understanding the game will have Online Leaderboards once they get them functional. The problem here is nobody accepts a game for there face value and always want more. And a game without TDM, full of sniper spam sounds great. This title offers something unique and you should be happy with it. There are always other titles that have TDM and comp leaderboards. Im not flaming you but understand people are tired of playing the same thing, this game is unlike any game i have played, and is 100% team based. Where other companies have tried to accomplish what they have with Brink, all the other titles have the same feel and play, while Brink stands out among them. There is nothing wrong with what is offered in this game. Saying DLC needs to be released with map packs because you have played the game non stop and being tired of maps and gametypes is your own fault. My sugguestion is have fun with it, Its just a game not a real life competition. Gold camo and items, cmon man seriously?

Im glad Im not the only one out there that feels Brink is a great game. Yes it has some issues but its been out for a day. Brink is an amazing game and so many of the people on this forum are complaining and "DEMANDING" patches and additions to the game. You paid $60, you own the game, that doesnt give you a right to demand anything from Splash other than the game works, which it does. If you want TDM go back to Black Ops and leave a truly teamwork based game alone. There is plenty of replay value currently in this game and I'm sure there will only be more with DLC.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:47 am

The OP post reaks of Cawwadoody Childishness.
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:59 pm

Team Deathmatch defeats the whole purpose of Brink. It defeats the purpose of classes, it defeats the purpose of roles. It would contradict everything the game is trying to train it's players to do. Right now if you do Deathmatch the players new concern is how many kills and Kill to death ratio. People currently care about getting the objectives done and doing as many jobs possible the best. Thats what gets your name in lights.

IMO If there is "death match" it shouldn't be a "mode" it should be a final objective that is at the center of the map where all the other objectives are what gives advantages or disadvantages to how you fast you can get to the center and set up defense of offense.
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:45 am

I don't want to see the objective based modes fall into obscurity because TDM was added and 90% of players gravitate there because it's what they're used to from other games. Most people won't chose to learn something new if they're given something else that's familiar.

The only reason why it seems like everyone plays TDM and no one plays objective based games in most games is because there's one TDM game mode but like 10 Objective based game modes. The objective population is spread out between all of those game types while the deathmatch population are all in the only gametype they have.
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jessica breen
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:48 pm

The only reason why it seems like everyone plays TDM and no one plays objective based games in most games is because there's one TDM game mode but like 10 Objective based game modes. The objective population is spread out between all of those game types while the deathmatch population are all in the only gametype they have.

But the sum of the population of those 10 modes don't even come close to equaling the population total of a TDM mode. I bring up CoD again because in it's list of game modes, it displays the current population that is currently playing a specific mode. The population for TDM clearly outweighs the sum of all of the other game modes. That's fact.
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TOYA toys
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:03 pm

But the sum of the population of those 10 modes don't even come close to equaling the population total of a TDM mode. I bring up CoD again because in it's list of game modes, it displays the current population that is currently playing a specific mode. The population for TDM clearly outweighs the sum of all of the other game modes. That's fact.

Call Of Duty nor Battlefield provide any reward or reason to complete "missions" outside of the win. EVERY game is basically death match. People completely ignore the objectives half the time.
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:52 pm

But the sum of the population of those 10 modes don't even come close to equaling the population total of a TDM mode. I bring up CoD again because in it's list of game modes, it displays the current population that is currently playing a specific mode. The population for TDM clearly outweighs the sum of all of the other game modes. That's fact.

My point is, you will be able to find a game in objective mode in Brink whether they implement TDM or not. Whether the population of TDM outweighs the population of objective mode is irrelevant because there would always be more than enough people in each game mode to find a game.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:50 pm

#1 lobbies my gawd man lobbies.

#2 any type of new gametype objectives aren't boring yet but they will be.

#3 everyone keeps mentioning stats good and bad but for ppl start cheering over there win/loss or QQing over there k/d lets see what's going to be on there first.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:21 pm

How about just adding MORE gameplay. The number of maps is rediculously low especially considering the overall lack of objectives. They shipped a 1/2 done product, sold ity for $60 with full intent on charging you for, at least some, of what should have been included with the game at launch. 4hrs max to beat every aspect of the game. To me, thats pathetic. I am 38 and have been gaming since pong and have not seen such a lack of contenet in a game, with this much hype, on its initial launch. Anyone remember Unreal? GREAT game but they were the first to charge extra for "fixing" the multiplayer aspect of their game. You had to go out and buy stand alone multiplayer after they could not fix what they had shipped with the original Unreal. Nothing to do with this here, really, but it was the beggining of patching and shipping crap products so they could get t he profit and then try to fix what they shipped. Well, I guess it does have a little to do with this because we have been sold a barebones game with intent on selling us what they didnt include, as far as content goes. LACKING is what Brink is. Great game but its lacking it content....maps, objectives, and long term playability.
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:59 am

I can't believe the ignorance of some people.

"Go back to COD you little noob!@!@!@111", yeah okay, I'm trying to help this game out.

The more threads they see about these things, and more feedback, the better. You know it will take them awhile to not only find out their flaws, but then continue to fix them.

Brink is a GOOD game. I'm not hating on Brink AT ALL, but some people can't comprehend that.


Why would you NOT want leaderboards? Whether it be K/D, or WIN/LOSS, or TOTAL KILLS, an active Leaderboards makes a game better.

Objective 24/7 same objective(s) over and over, ISN'T boring.. YET. But I see it coming in the near future, so why not make a TDM? Maybe make it earn you less experience, or something. Or they could add some new objectives very often.

I guess that because I want some SIMPLE leaderboards, and a SIMPLE Team death match game mode, it means I HATE Brink, and I should go play COD.

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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:44 am

Because there was a time before achievements, leaderboards and bullcrap like that where one played a game for fun.

However, I've got some advice for some of you (and it's non dairy);

If you really need to play Team Deathmatch, play a game that has it. This one doesn't.
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