I don't really see much of a difference between .2 second kills and .4 second kills while using an AR or SMG. Also, movement outside of SMART is so stupidly slow that it makes strafting pointless. Bloom (crappy RNG mechanic which becomes more potent the MORE you move) also makes ADS (which slows you down even more, yaaaay!) manditory for maximum damage output.
As for the lag, I'm playing on the 360.... So, yeah...
You know very well that's a huge exaggeration. Brink guns are weaker, have worse spread and are less stable. You can sustain fire on an opponent whilst ADS pretty easily on CoD so 0.2 seconds is probably possible, but even at close-range in Brink you either have to spray or burst... both of which can take a couple seconds, frequently.
And isn't ADS generally "manditory for maximum damage output"? The difference with Brink is that from close quarters to close range, I find a lot more success with hip-firing than in other games. Bursting ARs whilst hip-firing is essential, but you can hold a Kross or Galactic on full-auto with hip-fire and still maintain some degree of control, even until the mag runs dry. So strafing does have it's uses, and alongside it, hip-fire seems to be effective overall at longer ranges than most other games.
Also, I don't know about you, but as a Medium I feel near-enough the same speed of movement as other games. Maybe Brink is marginally slower than some, but then not a lot of games follow the same style of map design with corridors, chokepoints and multi-levels. Even just walking as a Light I feel quite nimble. I certainly have never been playing the game and thought, "oh gee, sure is a drag how slow this whole thing feels", even having played as a Heavy.
I'm really not quite sure what you're trying to get at here. :huh: