At the beginning of the map it starts out with a small cut scene kinda giving you a feel as to whats going on and maybe why. Which i like it kinda helps to build up my want to win. So Last night 2 of my friends and I were on a certain map that starts out with you having to bust someone out or something like that. Anyways at the beginning of the match we had to blow a door. That went over extremely well. Maybe its because at the beginning of the match the game wasn't full yet and we were facing bots. maybe someone quit and someone joined who really knows.
What i do know is we blew that door in a hurry and were onto the second objective. Now comes the hard part. we had to escort some guy to the boat. Well for the first min or two all was well we were blasting our way down three narrow corridors till suddenly we came to a screeching halt. As we began to get mowed down it became clear we were in a bad spot mostly because it was a great choke point for the enemy. With the narrow hallways we didnt have much room to dodge the oncoming fire. For the first i dunno ten minutes we were stuck. Just about most of the team was getting mowed down and i was healing reviving and firing. My friends were One soldier and the other medic. we were just trying to match our fire power with theirs but it became apparent that if we didnt do something we weren't getting far. so My medic friend went Op. He managed to disguise himself and make behind enemy lines. Suddenly the tide was turned when he hacked a enemy turret and the shots started hitting the resistance in the back and we shot from the front. Now we were moving. I stayed close to the geezer doing my best to keep him on his feet till we reached a ramp. Here it got a little bit harder as the enemy now had a MG nest at the top of the ramp along with friends firing down on us. Luckily the ramp is just inclined enough that if you duck you can not get tore up by the MG. We were a bit pinned down.
Only this time my Op friend turned medic and we were constantly healing reviving and healing some more till we reached the top of the ramp. Well thats when it got rough. if anyone has played the game and knows the map im talking about the MG nest is now right in front of your face. So once again my friends and i came up with a new plan. Since we weren't necessarily at a choke point it became apparent that it was time for some flanking action. So my soldier friend and myself stayed with the geezer and my medic buddy went for the flank. Only this time for the first time he had backup. the rest of our team followed insuit right behind him and came up right behind about six enemy's. Now they were F'ed. with us firing from the front and the sneak attack from the back or side whatever you want we were once again on the move. Slowly but surely the three of us covered the geezer till we were almost to the boat. the escape vehicle if you havent played the game yet. Suddenly i was without med supplies and my two friends were on the ground. We were within feet of the boat when we could not hold them off any longer. We all died and was back at the spawn and the geezer was suddenly entrapped pretty much in the enemy spawn. they had us. we were at a choke point trying to all fit through the door and just getting mowed down. This continued to happen for the next 7 to 8 mins. Once again we came up with a new plan. If you cant beat them join them. My medic buddy was was again turning OP. With only about a min and a half to go we managed to lure an enemy out of the choke point. All three of us tagged him downing him quickly and our buddy was going undercover once again.
Now with about a min left he was back in enemy territory with us waiting at the door for his go ahead. with about 30 seconds left he yells lets go!!! He managed to hack some enemy turrents and with us coming in guns blazing we managed to overwhelm them. suddenly it was up to me to revive the geezer and get his ass on the boat with 20 secs left i march my a** over there revive him and with 4 steps and less than 10 secs left we won the game.
Now that my friends is a story better than most devs could come up with themselves and put it in game anyways. Not to mention all the cursing, swearing, joking and laughs we all three had along the way. If you really think about it when it comes to a great objective game like brink who needs a single player campaign when the story we made and the fun we had greatly makes any single player story not even worth telling. Sure you might not think this story was all that great but just wait until you and your friends end up in a similar story or better one you will agree with me then.
There are few console based objective based games out there that you can play with your friends and have as much fun and a great story like like. Heck the only other one i can think of is battlefield.
Yes this game has its bugs but i cant remember a time a a big multiplayer game came out that didnt have bugs and kinks in it. Give SP some time and this game will come out on top in the next few weeks.