» Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:37 am
I'm already pondering on exchanging Brink for L.A. Noire.
In all honesty... This game doesn't deserve a 10/10. It doesn't even deserve an 8/10. (On the Xbox 360 version anyway). The graphics: rubbish (weird blur, non-loading textures etc.), and the networking (online play) is (currently) trash. (The reason for it being trash is because the lag is god awful for near everyone).
My personal rating of the game sits at about a 7.0 - 7.5. The reason, mentioned above, the PS2/beer-vision graphics and the horrible networking. If Splash Damage fixes these issues I'll love Brink, and it will easily become an 8.5 - 9.0 in my eyes. (I know gameplay is above all else but current/next-gen graphics are nice as well). (Something Brink does not have as of right now).
I feel like I'm playing a game during its beta-no alpha phase. The foundation is solid, but overall the experience lacks polish that would make it "bi-winning". If Splash Damage resolves this issue 75% - 100% Brink will be a favorite of mine. However...if they don't fix these issues in a timely manner, or at all, I know I won't be purchasing a Splash Damage product ever (ever!) again.