I find it amazing and yet some what sad at the same time reading through this thread... Wondering why its not been locked yet.
But none the less - I find it amazing again how Rev is the only one who has actually seen the point to the OPs question, And is yet being the most respectful and most noble of you all.
Call me a Scrooge all you want - But i see this all too much as a "band wagon" of idiots who read 1 persons "Diss or Slate" comment, Find it funny - Then all jump on board.
When i read the OPs statement - I noticed as did Rev, That in no way did he once bring Brink down or relate it to R6 in anyway.
He only stated that "Brink isn't the first game ever to do this. Just want people to know, Rainbow Six:Vegas 2 does exactly that. Just want you guys to know. "
Where in his comment did he once compare Rainbow 6 to being better than Brink - Or that the name is more masculine, or "omg wtf, they cant run up walls!!"
So much hate directed by one persons misinterpretation of a topic title.
Keep your hate for in game when you will need it most - And stop with all the witty comments and driving into the OP like he was out of line, or some kind of Brink Hater.
No matter how many more people state why Brink is better....The OP is still right in what he stated....fact.
So lets no derail every thread nowa days to a flame war.
Keep it Civil

See you all in game