I'm not saying that Brink should do this, but after completing the game I looked up the Red Dead Redemption soundtrack and had a listen. I absolutely loved it but I had never noticed the music in the game much (apart from those awesome bass parts). I noticed similar things when I looked up the BFBC2 soundtrack. Apart from a few key parts of the tracks there were parts of the songs that I had never noticed before and the music is totally awesome when played on its own.
What I'm trying to say is that it's a real shame when all the talent that is put into the music of games goes to waste when players can't hear it as it is meant to be played. I am fully aware that this is difficult though, due to the need for players to be able to hear if people need healing or ammo.
And I think xShadowcat pretty much made my point as I was typing. Curses, foiled again.
**EDIT Mk2.**
The music from Red Dead. Imagine http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&v=51KkbZCaxzM&annotation_id=annotation_61730 whilst riding through zombies in the desert.