Lmfao, the fact that Steam suddenly isnt offering Brink to UK Is more then likely a steam issue not sd..
So in other words steam left a sour taste in your mouth, dont use it

Frankly I didn't care whose fault it was to be honest, assigning blame is something you do after the issue has been dealt with.
However, just for completeness, I put in a support ticket at Steam regarding this issue (as did my friends) and also made a post in a thread on the steam forums - result - no reply to any of them. Therefore it is not unreasonable for me to try the publisher next as it is their job to publish the game, hence why this thread appeared. To their credit Bethesda did at least acknowledge the issue but after that silence. Also tried to contact SD but as a developer they would be somewhat limited as to actual action with regard to resolving this issue and again to their credit they acknowledged the issue in a tweet but sadly nothing more than that.
As I said I didn't really care who was at fault only that I got some solid info that I could pass onto my friends, who are the people who are affected by this problem. Going by the steam forums many other are affected too but I don't presume to speak for people I don't know. However, as stated in my previous post all this is now a mute point as far as my friends and I are concerned as they will not be buying the game now because of this flawed UK launch (I already own it but don't feel inclined to play at the moment but will probably jump online at some point)
I sincerely hope that the others who are prepared to wait don't have a long wait for this to be resolved as Brink is in itself a good fun multi player game with plenty of potential for expansion in the future.