Brink = $29.99 title

Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:57 pm

So im a little disappointed in Brink but theres already tons of threads covering all these gripes

This is just for ppl who might still be on the fence about getting Brink

Brink, despite what everyone whines about, is really fun.So for everyone that enjoyed the old mod games like Team Fortress or Day of Defeat AND for everyone who would rather break out a bong and a beer and just play a fun game without worrying about a score or kills cause you wont remember it in a few hours anyways, Brink will do the job, they still need to fix somethings but its a decent online team-shooter

But since there really is no Single-Player Campaign - Sorry maybe if the single player was more like the vids from last year where scenes were acted out in realtime, which looked awesome, but you cant just throw some generic no feeling cutscenes inbetween the multiplayer maps you made and say its a separate entity

I understand what they were trying to do with the whole "Merging of SP and MP" but i think SD kinda ended up pulling a fast one (even if it wasnt on purpose) and released a game with half the content of its competitors but for the same $60 price tag. ( bots are awesome if they are mixed in with human players..allla Fat Princess.... but playing against a WHOLE team full of bots is just stupid and not fun.....alla Fat Princess......and it also cant truly be called Single Player, and should be called a much more lame version of MP for ppl without friends)
Also the character customization is pretty kewl and way more than ive seen for a FPS but I dont think its a fair replacement for having an awesome engaging single player story, AND really i would of liked maybe gun camo options since thats what i look at the whole time, not myself

But dont feel bad since Portal 2 did this before them. Portal 2 is awesome but not worth $60

So if u already have Brink i'd say just stick with it and hope they fix things, cause it is fun

If you dont have Brink i would maybe wait since there will prolly be alot of used ones for sale and if u can get one for under $30, i think you'll get your money's worth

cause IT IS FUN
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:44 pm

tl;dr BRINK is worth $35 in amount of content. must-buy at price drop.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:52 pm

Well Bethesda already announced that they have a DLC with new content-- including maps, coming out next month which will be free of charge. With the amount of content currently available, I'm inclined to agree somewhat. Paid $50 since I got in on Steam, and while I'm enjoying it incredibly so, I do agree it lacks a bit in content. If they're going to charge full price for what is, let's face it, a multiplayer game, I'd hope there were more maps at launch than what they got.

In any case, we'll be getting more maps within the next month. And even despite, I don't regret the purchase too much since the game has been keeping me plenty entertained. Could have done with a beta, too, for optimization purposes...but that's a discussion for a different thread :tongue: .
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Anna S
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:38 pm

IMO Brink was worth every cent of the NZ $108 it cost me.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:41 pm

IMO Brink was worth every cent of the NZ $108 it cost me.

Want to buy a second copy? Just in case?
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:21 pm

IMO Brink was worth every cent of the NZ $108 it cost me.

That just seems like a lot. I don't know how the money relates to my currency but I've heard of things costing a lot in the Australia/New Zealand area.

Want to buy a second copy? Just in case?

Why get rid of it until the new DLC comes out? That's the least you could do since you already bought it. It's less than a month away. :shrug:
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:15 am

Maybe it's only worth $30 if you judge a game based on how much content is there, but I tend to judge my game's worth on how long I can play and still enjoy it.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:43 am

I don't think people are going to pay so much for it now, if you sell it in a week after release, a lot of people will think, what's wrong?
and maby pay you 30% of what it is worth, i know i wouldn't pay more than $20 for it, if someone else used it already.
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Bedford White
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:04 pm

That just seems like a lot. I don't know how the money relates to my currency but I've heard of things costing a lot in the Australia/New Zealand area.

NZ $108 is just over US $80, I think. And it just so happens that the place I bought it from was the cheapest (it was also doing the preorder bonus I wanted), usually new release console games, Brink included, go for NZ $115-150.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:16 am

Why get rid of it until the new DLC comes out? That's the least you could do since you already bought it. It's less than a month away. :shrug:

Because I can sell it for $60 and buy it for $30 and still complain that it's not fixed. That's why. Free content? That is a joke. That should have been shipped with the game. With the lack of content being the 2nd of the biggest issues, this game needs EXACTLY 3x more content then it was shipped with to equal $60 usd.

With all the people ripping on CoD and BF games......content was NEVER the issue. Lobby and lag was. NOBODY asked for a refund cause they felt ripped off. They were mad cause they feel like the lag was the reason they svcked at the game. Fix the lag and this game is still a $30 at best.

Also, his idea..........That makes me $30 richer.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:58 am

Kids these days... don't remember when Street Fighter II was initially released, as a cartridge, at $70 in 1992. That's what... almost 100 dollars today?

Anyway... Let's take a look at COD. How many hours have you put into the single player vs the multiplayer? Honestly. Hasn't the Black Ops multiplayer already surpassed BILLIONS of hours of online play? The amount of time people put into single player campaigns for games like Halo of COD is a fraction of a fraction of the time that people spend playing the multiplayer. Based purely on time invested by the players the multiplayer component of a game should be something like 99% of its cost.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:48 pm

Kids these days... don't remember when Street Fighter II was initially released, as a cartridge, at $70 in 1992. That's what... almost 100 dollars today?

Anyway... Let's take a look at COD. How many hours have you put into the single player vs the multiplayer? Honestly. Hasn't the Black Ops multiplayer already surpassed BILLIONS of hours of online play? The amount of time people put into single player campaigns for games like Halo of COD is a fraction of a fraction of the time that people spend playing the multiplayer. Based purely on time invested by the players the multiplayer component of a game should be something like 99% of its cost.

Okay for its time in comparison to other games SFII was worth its pricetag, but since times are different so are the games and thats why when SFIV came out with, iono, like 10x the content with the online aspect it also makes it worth its price tag i dont see your point

And although i did spend tons more time in the MP of MW2 and BlkOps I still spent HOURS in the single-player going through at least twice to gruel my way through Veteran and find all the stupid intel, and maybe play some of the more cinematic levels over again.........all that PLUS a badass MP is what makes the COD games so awesome

Just trying to be different SD ruined a game that could have been awesome
-Its an awesome backstory and premise
-Its an awesome and unique art style
-Its an awesome innovation with the SMART

But its executed sooo poorly and if you've been watching the development vids its mostly because they REMOVED things or ideas they already had
AND since the mods in these forums were SO quick to delete pre launch gameplay links i think SD and Bethesda DID pull a [censored] fast one and release half a game for full price

-they were taking TOO long to make it so they shoved it out without a beta test a week earlier than they should've and just hoped that naive ppl and F@NB0Ys would buy a copy to fill in the gap between and REAL BADASS games
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Ria dell
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:06 pm

Its more of a 49.99 title. I like the game but it gets kind of boring being that there are like no guns...or maps
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:10 pm

at launch bc2 had like 6 maps, witha "vip code" and the expo, there are like 20. this is over a year after release.
halo reach had 12 at release, now has upwards of 20, almost a year later.

get the picture?
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Shae Munro
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:59 am

Why get rid of it until the new DLC comes out? That's the least you could do since you already bought it. It's less than a month away. :shrug:

True enough.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:11 am

If a patch comes out to fix the multiplayer lag then it would be worth more than 30 dollars. When I am in a room that doesn't lag the game is great.
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meghan lock
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:06 am

Once everything is fixed, this game will be amazing.
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:22 pm

LAG Incoming..... :banghead:
Please Insert PATCH..... :shocking:
And Time Goes By............ :brokencomputer:
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:19 pm

Despite the lack of content, the gameplay is worth every penny, end of story.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:33 pm

I hope once it's fixed, it will be amazing, but since the core gameplay is still going to be the same after all the fixes, honestly, it won't become the triple A title fans want to it to be.
Personally I want it to come back, and sweep me off my feet, but I've been an FPS gamer for years, and I understand the trends. Sorry SD, you made some big no-no's on this release, all avoidable ones too!
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:25 pm

at launch bc2 had like 6 maps, witha "vip code" and the expo, there are like 20. this is over a year after release.
halo reach had 12 at release, now has upwards of 20, almost a year later.

get the picture?

If a patch comes out to fix the multiplayer lag then it would be worth more than 30 dollars. When I am in a room that doesn't lag the game is great.

Once everything is fixed, this game will be amazing.

Despite the lack of content, the gameplay is worth every penny, end of story.

All of these things IS the problem. $60 and the 2 MAJOR MAJOR issues. The FREE content is being given ONLY because they svcked at the multiplayer coding in the beginning. Fix that and then you still satisfied with the game?

BC2 had 6 maps....yes. But you could play them on different types of modes. Which doubles/triples/quadruples the value of each map. Also has a great SP.

BRINK IS SP and MP wrapped into 1 game and that is where MOST of the complaint is. Infact, lets get this straight........

I like the game mechanic.
I like the idea and potential.

I hate the lag
I hate the lack of content
I hate the lack of customization (as compared to what the game was said to be able to do)

That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. We are not satisfied with those things. I didn't pay $60 for POTENTIAL. I paid it for a complete game filled with content and story.....which was not delivered. I don't understand why people are accepting this as a COMPLETE TITLE. It's a beta to a future game. Maybe the future game is the game that is patched with tons more content......but as it sits this is worse then playing GoW3 beta......which I had more fun in since I could actually PLAY with friends.
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:34 am

So True, Sliced.
It′s hardly an Xbox Arcade DL for 800 Points at the current status. LOL
Remember, BRINK has millions of fans like APB. :facepalm:
and FREE DLC!!
SD is the best Developer at the moment.
And Thnx for all the Pre-Order issues like LAG′s.
But why complaining?? In a Few Weeks we have a Blast!!!
Better we leave before some really devoted fan defends his 60$ Frisbee....
At least you got some nice BOTS for Backup, if there is again no one to play with. :shocking:
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:17 am

That just seems like a lot. I don't know how the money relates to my currency but I've heard of things costing a lot in the Australia/New Zealand area.

We call it the "Great Beaches and Breath takingly beautiful country" tax. We pay more for games but wow do we get a great place to live.

Why get rid of it until the new DLC comes out? That's the least you could do since you already bought it. It's less than a month away. :shrug:

Yeah with free DLC the price def doesnt seem to bad considering Brink IS a brillant fun game.

In its current stat yeah I also feel its priced a bit high for a what is essentialy a MP game with a SP(REALLY BAD Bots) tacked on.

Bots on MP maps do not make a single player game.

I understand the devs wanted to create a seemless MP/SP game but to be honest it lacks.

DON'T get me wrong its a BRILLIANT FUN game.

But it has its troubles.

Btw if your looking to lean how to put up a clear succint opinion about this game SLICED BREAD'S post is a excellent post to model your posts off.
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:14 am

bc2 great sp? must of been playing different game than me. After 600 hours with the game I never bothered to beat even the third mission, boring....
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:43 pm

bc2 great sp? must of been playing different game than me. After 600 hours with the game I never bothered to beat even the third mission, boring....

It had a better story then Brink......and after 600hrs on Brink tell me if the game is even remotely fun. BC2 had a better and more in depth story then this rushed title.

its a matter of opinion, I know, but play BC2 for 2 hours and tell me how far in the story you are. You should be completed with BRINK in that time.
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