I am pretty sure that Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, FDR, JFK, O.J. Simpson and Judge Judy all have had an affinity for COFFEE and ALCOHOL. You dare challenge that track record?
i'll challenge that track record any day.
Albert Einstein: according to most sci-fi, is completely wrong! thus modern physics is wrong. why? becuase fiction is more believeable than non-fiction. also, family guy says he stole the totally wrong theory of relativity, so he is a stupid theif. also gave the world nukes, which while the might seem cool, are totally uncool, because they take the
fun humanity out of war.
O.J. Simpson: supposedly kille dhis wife, enough said.
Judge Judy: a TV [censored] who is all the proof needed that my countries judical system is flawed.
i don't really see the need to go on...